The Last Picture Show Part 1

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Instead of going with her brother and father to the supposed recital of one Ms. Grundy, I decided I would be much happier in my usual booth at Pop's. Sitting with a milkshake in front of me and a side of fries I happily observed the casual conversations in the parking lot until she saw a few cars pull up with a so called Scooby gang coming inside. "Alex! You don't mind if we share a booth right?" Ronnie asked as the four of them walked to the only actually occupied booth on that side of the diner.

"No problem Ronnie." I said with a smile as I moved closer to the window pushing the food and shake with me. "So how did the revenge plan with Clayton go?" I asked as Jughead quickly moved past Kevin to the seat next to me and squeezed in further when Kevin sat on our side anyway.

"Let's just say that I got a look at Dark Betty and you'll be surprised if we call on her anytime soon." She said with a laugh as Betty glared me down as if I wasn't supposed to know.

"So besides that how is everyone?" Looking at Jughead and Kevin for a less deathly answer.

"Well it turns out there's a Tarint-" Jughead started only to be quickly cut off by Kevin.

"I swear if you say one more thing about Tarintino I'm gonna shoot myself." He finished with a groan as Mrs. Lodge moved to Cheryl's table only to receive a snarky remark about sticky fingers. Veronica quickly got up to defend her mother but was cut off when Hermione Lodge herself went back at the red headed demon.

"Don't worry Cheryl. You're mother didn't know how to handle wealth and grace when she was younger either." She said with a smile leaving Ronnie with the same.

Before anyone could be too proud of the Lodge's success a trio that could only mean trouble for the rest of us walked in. Following Archie and my dad was a particularly horrible breed of music teacher. Ms. Grundy was looking almost as uncomfortable as Archie. I shared a look with Jughead as Betty got up and approached them, or more specifically my brother. As things got more intense they stepped outside Kevin and Ronnie were even closer to the window than I was. "What do you think their talking about?"

"Only one way to find out." Ronnie said as she stood from the booth and went outside. After what looked like the most intense argument between the three since the party incident a car pulled up and Betty got in leaving a confused and slightly disgusted Veronica with my brother. My phone buzzed and I saw a text message from Betty. Something I hadn't gotten in over five months.

Betty - Look you need to stay away from Jughead and your brother until this whole thing gets figured out. Its better to let the big kids figure this out and you can just stay in the library like you're supposed to

Archie's Sister - In case you haven't noticed I don't really care what you have to say and it's impossible to stay away from my brother considering we live in the same house??

Betty - I don't care figure it out. If I have to I'll work it out for you

Archie's Sister - And how do you intend to do that little miss pretty in pink?

Betty - Do I have to remind you of what happened to you on July fourth?

Archie's Sister - That's none of your business! It's my choice what happens with that!

Betty - Not anymore. Stay away from them.

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