Anatomy of a Murder Part Two

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I went home forgetting all about my milkshake and instead picking up energy drinks from the gas station as I refilled the tank. When I got back home I went to straight to my room and pulled my suitcase out from under my bed. I shoved in everything from clothes to the tigger plush I refused to leave here whether or not it made me look childish. Both my parents were asleep at this point so as I zipped up the bag and grabbed my backpack with my savings and everything I needed for the long bus ride I was about to endure.

I put everything in the backseat of my Dad's car and drove to the parking lot outside the bus station. It didn't open for hours so I turned on the radio and pulled out my phone. I was sending cliché goodbye texts to people who wouldn't be smart enough to track me down before the bus came.

To : Archie

You're a great brother and this isn't your fault so please don't blame yourself. I just can't handle this town anymore and I think we all knew it was coming. Say goodbye to Ronnie for me, I know the two of you are a thing and you thought you couldn't tell me but as long as you're happy I'm happy for you. Good luck with music or football or whatever you end up doing. I'll send you a postcard xx Alex

To : Betty

You never liked me, obviously, and now you're getting exactly what you want. You don't have to worry about Archie's little sister or Jughead's best friend. Congrats Elizabeth Cooper you finally drove me away for good. Hope you're happy

To : Reggie

I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye in person. I just had to leave before things got crazy. No, I didn't kill Jason so I promise I'm not leaving to hide from a crime. I promise I'll be back someday but I won't be mad if you don't wait around. No one in their right mind should. I hope football captain gets you somewhere. Good luck xx

After they sent I got a call from my brother. "I'm not changing my mind."

"What the hell are you doing Alex? Why are you leaving? Where are you going?" He rushed out sounding extremely out of breath.

"Why would I tell you any of that? For all I know you're gonna try to stop me and I'll be stuck here for the rest of my life. Have you ever thought that even while you chase down a murderer you have friends? Veronica cares about you, hell Betty loves you even if she's with Jughead. Mom and Dad always paid more attention to you. And where did that leave me? Off in the sidelines being banned from my best friend and blackmailed by yours!"

"So this is about Betty and Jughead? Alex, they won't be dating forever."

"You think I'd leave because they're dating?" I practically shouted catching the attention of a homeless man leaning against the wall of the station. "Arch, Betty Cooper blackmailed me for months because I got raped. Jughead led me along for weeks! Mom thinks I should move with her to Chicago because it's too dangerous here and maybe she's right!"

"You're going to Chicago? Is Mom with you? What does she mean dangerous?"

"I won't be mentally stable if I stay in this town much longer. This has been the absolute worst year of my life. Can't you see that I'd be better off with a fresh start as far away from Riverdale as possible?"

"I won't let you do this. You know I love you and if you leave I wouldn't be able to forgive myself."

"Try to stop me but we all know right now you're on your way to solve another little piece of this murder mystery with the Scooby Gang and by the time you get here it'll be too late." Suddenly before anything else could be said a light blared through the front window making me squint from the insane brightness at this hour. When my eyes adjusted I saw the body behind the light was Betty Cooper. Rolling down the window I leaned out. "What the actual hell could you possibly want from me?"

"Let me in the car." She demanded as she walked to the passenger door. When I rolled the window up and ignored her she started banging on the window. "Alex let me in the car or I'll call Archie!"

Unlocking the door I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my seat. She slammed the door as she got in causing me to jump. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? You just bullied me into letting you, the last person I ever wanted to see, into the car! What's wrong with you?" Turning to face her I saw the saddest look on her face. "Why are you here Betty?"

"You can't leave. I refuse to let you leave this town, especially like this. If this is because of me then forget it and move on because I was wrong. You never should've let me get to you if I wasn't even right!"

"Betty, you threatened to tell the entire town I was a crazy liar when you thought Evan didn't do anything. You tore apart not only my bedroom, but you tore apart a friendship that I've had for most of my life. Instead of just asking me how I felt about you and my brother you forced me away. If you think you're the person that's about to convince me then you are sadly mistaken."

"Yeah well I don't really have a choice right now."

"And why is that Barbie?"

"Because of all that I just got broken up with! We found Jughead at Pops and before we went to the police station he held me back and told me that he had screwed up with you. He said you were more important to him and he was too stupid to realize that until now."

"Wait," I was so shocked I could barely speak. "you got broken up with, for me?"

"Yeah, so I might as well apologize and try to get along with you before I lose my friends too."

"You think your guilt trip is an apology? Betty, you are so far from forgiveness it's semi comical. I won't talk bad about you to everyone because that would put me on your level, but I certainly don't have anything nice to say either." She nodded with the same sad expression. I should've felt happy, or calmer at least. But knowing that I had caused Betty as many problems as she caused me wasn't a great feeling. "How about a truce? Starting over like none of this ever happened. We won't be friends, but we won't have to hate each other either?"

"Would you really do that? After all the shit I put you through?" I nodded looking in her eyes. "Crap you are a good person!" She said making us both laugh.

"So truce?" I asked holding out my pinky. She put up her own and locked it with mine.

"So does this mean you're staying?" Betty asked hopefully.

"Oh hell yeah! I have to see the look on everyone's faces when they hear this."

Blackmailed by Betty (Jughead Jones III)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें