The River's Edge Part 3

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"Hey kid." Alex heard from the livingroom as she walked through the door. "How was the first day back?"

"Well turns out my only friend isn't going to the semi formal which means I'm not going so I'm heading out to return the dress and shoes. Thank god for thirty day promise." She got two steps up the staircase before she was lightly pulled back by her wrist.

"Why are you returning that dress? So what if Jughead isn't going, did you really think he would even if there was a murder in the gym?"

"I really need you to stop comparing him to a murderer. He didn't do anything wrong and if you even think he killed Jason Blossom I may pack up and never look back." Alex threatened as she sat down on the stairs.

"Look I'm not saying he did anything but he has a bad reputation. You spent weeks saving up for that dress working with me and your brother. Why go through all that trouble just to not go?" Fred asked sitting beside her.

"I don't know how to do hair and makeup anyway and since Betty already has the new girl wrapped around her finger I've got no shot of looking nice anyway. This was all a Cinderella story and my clock just struck twelve." Alex said lowering her head to stare aimlessly at the wooden panels beneath her feet.

"Look, I know I can't do you much good since your mother was always better at this stuff but if I know anything about you it's that you won't let anyone get in the way of what you want. So keep the dress and the shoes, I'll call up an old friend of mine and see what we can do about your hair. You shouldn't have to suffer just because your mother and I split up."

"Thanks dad. Don't ever tell Mom I said this but I'm glad Archie and I ended up with you. I'd miss this too much." Alex says as she leans against her father as he wraps his arm around her shoulder and lightly kisses her forehead. "One more thing though. Can you not tell Archie about any of this? I want this to be a total surprise to everyone."

"No problem."


Archie was long gone out of the house and I had just stepped into my dress. A Sherri Hill that shaped perfectly around my waist. It was just the right shade of emerald green that flattered my complexion with a single band of gems and glitter wrapping around one shoulder like a sash. I slipped into my silver heels and moved my hair to the back looking myself up and down. "You look beautiful." A feminine voice sounded from behind her. She turned and there stood Hermione Lodge, after meeting Veronica this afternoon she took it upon herself to do some research on the teen. Her mother was clearly the being where Veronica got all her looks. "Your dad told me you may need some help with hair and makeup?"

"Uh yeah I guess I do. You don't have to though, I have a feeling your daughter and I aren't going to get along too well."

"I don't get along to well with Ronnie sometimes, but she'll come around in time. For now," She stopped short holding up a large makeup case and hair tools. "you have a semi to get ready for." Alex took a seat at her vanity slightly tense at the thought of a stranger, especially one who may end up just like Mrs. Cooper, doing her hair and makeup. "Let's get started then."


Alex walked into the schools gym with her head held high as she walked past classmates of many years who had no idea who she was. To her, the thought of everyone looking up at her for once was one of the greatest feelings she'd ever experienced. She even caught her own brother and girl next door Betty looking amazed as she moved through the room. Ignoring the duo she set forward hoping to find Veronica. Luckily she quickly caught the black haired beauty at the punch bowl with Kevin. "Well hello you two."

"Oh my god am I dead because I think I see Alexandria Andrews in a dress with makeup on." Kevin began fanning himself with his napkin as he looked her up and down. "How in the world did you pull this off? I remember you crying for an hour when you stabbed yourself in the eye with a mascara wand."

That comment earned him a quick jab to the stomach from Veronica as she smiles at Alex. "I think you look gorgeous."

"You too. I love your dress." Alex spoke kindly looking at the perfect little black dress. "But I need to talk to you about something kind of important."

"Okay?" Veronica responded with a confused look as she was lead towards the back of the gym where the only people were couples far too caught up with their fronts touching backs they wouldn't be listening. "So what's up?"

"I don't know what Betty told you earlier, but I'm not a horrible person. I just think as kids the two of us were each trying to pull Archie In different directions and when he chose her I let it effect my additude. But I really want the two of us, actually all of us, to be friends. Even if it means me spending time with my insufferable brother every once in a while." Alex admitted earning a small laugh from the other girl.

"I give everyone a fair chance, so yes of course. For now let's find Kevin, drink our life away, and forget all about the drama."

As the two girls met up with Kevin and let their worries fade, everything for that moment seemed perfect. But they all knew in the back of their minds that would never last.

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