In a Lonely Place Part One

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Ronnie💋😍 : Alex I am in serious need of some retail therapy, you in?

Alex🖤😜 : Do I even have a choice or is the question mark just there to trick me?

Ronnie💋😍 : It's on me and includes coffee. Do you really wanna miss it?

Alex🖤😜 : I suppose I can make an appearance

Ronnie💋😍 : Good, you have ten minutes before the car gets there

Alex🖤😜 : You're lucky I love you

Ronnie💋😍 : 😘

Putting my phone back on the small side table next to my bed I rolled off and onto my feet walking slowly towards my closet. Pushing flannels and jeans to the side knowing Veronica would walk me right back inside if I dared walk outside like that. I grabbed my brown leather pencil skirt and a blue button up tucking the shirt in. Rolling up the sleeves I grabbed a pair of nude pumps and a red leather cross-body. Quickly shoving all my things in the bag I put on some mascara and red lipstick and pulled a few strands of my hair back with some bobby pins.

From inside my bag my phone buzzed. Assuming it was Veronica I walked downstairs and out the door without being noticed. Seeing my favorite raven haired beauty in the backseat of the car I opened the door. "So where are we off to?"

"Well don't you clean up well Ms. Andrews." She said looking me up and down as she moved over and let me in the car. "We are off to Pops."

"Thank God. My body is suffering from a lack of caffeine and Pops gives me unlimited French vanilla creamers." As her driver pulled away from my house and towards the small diner I pulled out my phone and sent Archie and my dad the same message about being out and promising to keep them updated.

Ever since I made up with Archie he barely let me out of his sight, luckily when I left this morning he was no where to be seen. I appreciated his concern but I still needed my freedom.

When we pulled into the gravel parking lot the driver came around and let both of us out. "Should I wait here for you Ms. Lodge?" He asks kindly as she flattens out her skirt.

"That won't be necessary. We'll be here a while, I'll be sure to call you if I need to be picked up." We walked inside together and we sat in a booth in the corner. She pulled out her laptop and sat on the same side of the booth as me so we could both see the screen. "So we've failed to cover a very important topic in the midst of all this murder and assault. You went out with Reggie Mantle and didn't say anything!"

"It was nothing, and he turned out to be an ass just like I thought."

"Well that fine ass is walking this way so maybe he isn't that bad?" I looked up and saw Reggie walking towards us in his usual varsity jacket and jeans. "I mean how bad can you be when you look that good?"

Looking up I saw him standing next to the booth with a guilty look on his face. "Hey Alex, Veronica."

"Hey Reggie." Veronica said with a smile as she rolled her pearls between her fingers. "What brings you here?"

"I was kind of wondering if I could talk to Alex?" She looked slightly disappointed but stood from the booth.

"I'll be getting the coffees Alex." She walked to the counter and waited on a stool as Reggie slid into the opposite side of the booth.

"Alex can we please talk about this? I know I was an ass to your brother but it's hard to break old habits." He looked, and sounded, genuinely guilty.

"That's exactly the problem Reggie. You've never done anything to me, but you make a point to mess with the lives of my brother and best friend. How am I supposed to spend my time with someone knowing they're trying to fight the people I love?"

"Hey they fought back!" He practically whined. "I just don't get why you're letting everyone else effect your decisions. It's your life at the end of the day."

"Because of exactly that. It is my life, but it wouldn't be my life if my brother and Jughead weren't a part of it. I spent my entire childhood with those two and I wouldn't have it any other way. I refuse to give up the things I love for anything, especially a boy who gives them black eyes and embarrasses them in front of the whole school." Veronica came back and passed me a white ceramic mug before sitting down with her own.

"So Reggie, I have a feeling from the look on your face that didn't go how you wanted?" She asked as I looked away and put creamer in my coffee. He ignored what Veronica said and turned to me.

"Just think about it." Thankfully, he walked away and left Ronnie and I alone.

"So how about that retail therapy?" I asked pulling the laptop closer.

"I thought you'd never ask."

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