The Sweet Hereafter Part One

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After Clifford Blossom killed himself that night at Thornhill the silence was eerie. Most people ignored it and didn't dare utter the words 'Clifford' or 'Suicide'. The only ones who dared to talk about it were the Scooby Gang, which now included me. Sitting on my bed beside Veronica and Kevin I decided now was the time to talk about everything that happened the past few nights. "So has Betty talked to either of you about what happened in the car that night?"

"All I know is she somehow convinced you to stay, which by the way thank you for the notice." Kevin said with a glare. "Why, is there some insane thing that she's keeping from us?" He finished sitting up a little straighter.

"Well it turns out that Bughead is no more." Both looked at me with confused looks. "Bughead, you know, Betty and Jughead?"

"Who came up with that? And why Bughead and not Jetty?" Veronica asked still significantly confused by the whole ship name.

"The name doesn't matter, and it was Archie that night he got drunk at Jug's birthday party. But that isn't the point either. Betty and Jughead broke up." That got a reaction out of them both. Kevin gasped and held onto my shoulder to hold himself up.

"What the hell happened to the two of them? Betty acted like they were soulmates and it surely showed to everyone else." Veronica said still in shock. "Did she tell you why?"

"When she came to my car she told me that she wanted to make amends with me because she didn't want to lose her friends after losing him. I guess the past few weeks have been too much for him and he thought it was best if they broke up. She also said something about me being too important to him to lose in all this."

"So what are you doing here with the two of us? Go get your man!"

"Wait, there was a thing happening with Alex and Jughead? Can I come up with the cute name? I vote Jalex!" Kevin looked way too excited about the whole thing but I could still feel my cheeks heat up at the thought of Jughead and I becoming a couple.

"I've always liked Jughead, I even thought I loved him at one point, but now if I go running what do I tell Reggie whose been here for me the whole time? No matter what I lose someone I care about and after spending days away from my brother and Jughead already I don't think I'll be able to handle it."

"This is what I'm here for." Veronica said standing off the bed and grabbing her phone out of her bag. "A little trick you learn as a highly sought after new yorker. Close your eyes and clear your mind. I'm gonna record you and let you see for yourself what's already clear to the rest of us."

I know Veronica told me to clear my mind but all I could see behind my eyelids was flashing memories of the time I spent with the two guys I was torn between. Images of the homecoming dance and that day on the bleachers came into view. But they quickly faded as I thought of nights at the drive in and late nights at Pops. When I heard the sound of the recording start I took a deep breath.

"Reggie Mantle." The room was silent except for what sounded like Kevin moving around, probably to get a clearer view of whatever Ronnie was trying here. "Jughead Jones." More silence.

After a few seconds another beep went and I opened my eyes quickly adjusting to the light before looking between Ronnie and Kevin. "Well? What did we find out?"

"See for yourself." Veronica sat between Kevin and I quickly pulling up the video she had just taken. It was weird to see myself sitting there, but as soon as I heard Ronnie's words I knew her trick was worth the weirdness. I heard her say Reggie and my expression stayed the same, but when she said Jughead I could see my cheeks redden and my mouth seemed to be holding back a smile. "Tell me that the Alex Andrews we're looking at right now doesn't have clear feelings for Jughead Jones?" Ronnie said looking over at Kevin.

"Oh I don't think I can do that." He answered with a smirk.

"Shit." I couldn't believe it. "I love Jughead Jones."

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