E p i l o g u e

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The day's leisurely passed by in a blur. And I was struggling to keep everything intact as my final day's at Uni were coming to an end. My heart was pounding in my chest, pulse quickening, eyes darting everywhere, not able to focus on a single thing. I knew this day would come, but as quick as it did, I wasn't prepared for it. Our scrapbooks were due today. I had completed mine, and as everyone already had assumed that Harry and I were dating, it didn't take much to convince our professor that he couldn't come and give a verbal confirmation. I didn't want him knowing about this project. It felt too personal to me. Especially when I wasn't done with it, we had a week left of school, and the day's just seemed to go slower and slower and slower.

Part of me wanted to show Harry my scrapbook, to see if he approved of the pictures that I had put in it. I only had 3 more pictures and descriptions, then I was completely done with it. The only one that had gotten a sneak peek of it, is Carter. And I was already reluctant to show my professor.

The first picture was of Harry of me, the time that I was stuck in bed, because of my ribs, and he had brought me Minecraft. My eyes shone brightly, other than the fact that I was stuck in bed, I was with Harry, and that was all I needed to cure my injuries. Both of our smiles were wide. Even though my lips were on his cheek, I couldn't hold back the laugh that escaped from my lips when Harry said something to make me laugh, just to get me to smile for the picture. Which was quite irrelevant looking back on it now, you could barely see my smile.

This picture was taken quite a while ago, I was injured and stuck in bed, and Harry always knew how to make me feel better

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This picture was taken quite a while ago, I was injured and stuck in bed, and Harry always knew how to make me feel better. I was having a really crappy day, and the news of my Grandmother passing was quite hard on me. But with my other faithful best friend at my side, I knew it'd get better. The quality of the photo is quite crappy, because we both couldn't stop laughing long enough to take the photo, and with my injured ribs making everything more difficult. He was my Lumiere, my light in the darkness that was cascading over my life.

That really was a bad time for me, I was getting bullied, my grandma had passed, but Harry was always there every time I needed him the most. Like always.

The next picture was of better quality, at least, I think so. I smiled looked down at my lap, I had the scrapbook propped open, as I reread over the stuff I had written down.

This picture was taken a few years ago. It was around the same time that the first one was taken. Hary and I were sat in my lounge, watching something on the telly, then all of a sudden he snapped a picture of us without me even realizing it. It will always be my favorite picture of us together.

 It will always be my favorite picture of us together

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