T w e n t y-E i g h t

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I swerved out of the left lane and into the right, an old man was literally driving 20 miles over the speed limit, and I thought I was a bad driver. I swear my life flashed before my eyes multiple times before I got to the boy's damn hotel. The hotel was pretty packed when I pulled into the parking lot. And there were tons and tons of fans are waiting out front, with tons of bodyguards, which I assume to be the boys. As I parked, my phone started to buzz.

Harry: If you want, I could have Preston take Xylee and Violet in, through the back of the Hotel so that they aren't shown to the fans and paparazzi. But you'll have to go through the front. Just act natural.

His message made me grin, I was already planning to take the girls, somehow through the back. But now they were going to be safe as I embarked on my dangerous journey. Carter had the girls, so all I needed to was message him to bring them to the back entrance and give them to Preston.

I got out of the car with my satchel in hand, immediately I heard the snaps of photographers taking my picture as I walked up to the leading bodyguard, with the name tag of 'Paul' on his breast pocket. "Miss Campbell?" I nodded and he gave me a knowing smile. "Harry Styles is waiting for you on the 5th floor." He winked at me and making me giggle. "Room 513," he whispered making me nod my head.

He stepped aside to let me through and as I entered the building, I could hear the faint shouts of 'Hazel Campbell!' in the background. I was a bit flushed from all of the attention that was on me when I fully entered the building, I let out a puff of hot air. My cheeks were a bit rosy from the coldness of the outdoors. This was the kind of temperatures that I was used to. But not anymore, after living in California for 4 years, I was accustomed to the warm weather, so this sudden cold front has me feeling out of place.

I could feel the numbers of countless eyes all on me at once as I made my way towards the lift, in this posh hotel I felt under dressed and certainly in a place that I didn't belong in. I've only been in one like this, once, and that was when Carter took me to one in Malibu, for my 20th birthday. We stayed up all night watching movies, eating popcorn, and getting into numerous pillow fights. He also caused me to knock over and break a lamp in our wrath. And guess what, that lamp cost over 300 hundred pounds. Carter was so pissed when the hotel manager came up with the bill after someone had complained that they were hearing some loud ruckus up on the 3rd floor. And boy was that manager infuriated.

Carter, every time I try to avoid it, I end up thinking about him, and how he's doing. We haven't talked in so long, and I feel like there's a light that was shot out of my life. I need to reconnect with him. It's the right thing to do. And here I was, stood in an overly expensive lift, on my way up to see the father of my children—and his band mates.

I feel so terrible, back then after Harry and I got really close I barely had seen them. Yes, I've met them before. But it feels like so long ago and I don't think they've changed a bit.

I didn't even realize it, so lost in my thoughts that I had completely forgotten about the fact that I was in a lift, and that people would most likely be waiting on the outside of it when I got to the 5th floor, waiting to get on, there stood outside of the lift a snobbish looking couple and their bratty teenagers. Ignoring their prying eyes, I hurried out of the lift and started swiftly rushing down the hallway towards room 513.

When I looked back, they had already gotten on the lift and were gone. Thank god, I thought to myself as I approached the door. I felt like I was sweating when it wasn't even hot in here, or outside. I think I may be catching a cold. I slowly knocked on the door, looking around taking in my surroundings.

This hotel was more extravagant than I first thought. It really was. Before I knew it, I heard loud footsteps on the other side of the door and it suddenly opened. And I was greeted with a half naked Niall Horan.

He gave me a wink, then turned around, making me confused. "Harreh! Your baby mama is er'!" When Niall stepped aside, I could see the silhouette of Harry standing in the background, he was shaking his head mouthing apologies to me. "Niall, go put on some damn clothes, I'm pretty sure that she doesn't want to see your arse!" Louis' voice was coming from the upstairs of their hotel room.

 "Niall, go put on some damn clothes, I'm pretty sure that she doesn't want to see your arse!" Louis' voice was coming from the upstairs of their hotel room

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Niall turned around, wiggled his eyebrows at me, then without a word, dashed up the stairs. And soon we could hear a door open and close.

I turned back to Harry, and he had the most adorable smile on his face. When he stepped aside to let me in, I got a whiff of the cologne he was swearing. It was quite musky with a hint of mint. His signature scent that every girl in the whole world adores. The smile that was on Harry's face was a bit mischievous, but also adorning.

Harry adorned a white button up, with a pair of black skinny jeans with, surprisingly no holes in the knees. His hair was in it's usual unruly mess atop his head, but it looked nice on him. His facial expression was relaxed and was lightly tanned.

"I want to show you something." He said, taking my tiny hand in his large one, guiding me up the stairs. As we walked through this slightly long corridor, I took in my surroundings. There was at least 3 chandeliers every three feet and the walls were white, tinted with red and gold. It was honestly gorgeous.

Harry led me to a room that was furnished with a bed, dresser, and a TV hung on the wall. The bed sheets were a turquoise, with a duvet that was a navy blue with gold rims. And in the middle of a room a blanket was spread out on the floor, with a picnic basket and bottle of white wine in a tub of ice to keep it cool.

He guided me to the middle of the room where the stuff was set up and sat down, pulling my arm a little, suggesting for me to take a seat as well. As I sat down, the chandelier was shut off above me, making the room pitch black. When I looked to the left of me, Harry's figure was gone. He was longer sat beside me, but as I looked up, directly in front of me, I could see a figure in front of me. At first, I went to what most girls went to when a man was down on one knee in front of them, but when I seen a singular candle light up the space he was at. I could see one singular rose in his hand, but there was also a long, slender box in his hand.

"I know you hate when people get you things like this, but when you see what I got you, you'll love it. I'm not just buying you things to woo you. This is different, and has a deeper meaning." He handed me the rose and stood up, he had a remote in his hand, then all of a sudden an unfamiliar tune started to play. Then him, and the boy's voices filled the room.

"I wrote this the week you left."


"I wanted to make sure, that if you ever heard this song, that you would remember it. I wasn't sure at first why I wrote it for you. When I seen you on that stage, I knew something was broken within you, that you had been hurt. Hurt by those girls, hurt by myself," he didn't even show me what was in the box, he took my right hand in his left, then pulled me close.

"I wondered, wondered for weeks...Months, really."

"Where did your broken heart go, Hazel?"


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one! ~Megan (: Xxx

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