T w e n t y-S i x

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I hope you lovely Lil' Carrots enjoy this chapter!


"You know," I said turning away from the stove. "I maybe have dreamed about this once, or twice." Harry's face turned to confusion. "What?" He asked, making me sigh. "You," this made him even more confused. "You, being here. With me and the girls. Like a regular happy family." I said, trailing off. My eyes wandering around the room. I could feel his eyes burning holes in my head, but I just felt like I couldn't look at him.

"Do you want that?" He asked, and I couldn't help but nod. There's no point in lying when he could probably see it in my facial expression. "Well, if you want that, then your wish is my command." I giggled at his playful attitude. He came closer to me and pinned my back against the counter. He slowly leaned in, and I felt all of the air leave my lungs, leaving me utterly breathless before anything has even happened.

"I'm not saying this is going to be easy, but if you fight for us, then I'll fight. But you have got to work with me on this. As much as we don't like it, but my life is pretty much all controlled by management." I nodded. Of course, he's being controlled by the fucked up people, that have nothing better to do, then ruin other people's lives.

"First," he started, narrowing his eyes at me and taking a deep breath, making me a little bit anxious. He stepped a little bit closer, causing my heart to start beating rapidly. I felt like all of the air was sucked out of my lungs at that very moment. The world seemed to go in slow motion as he took those last steps closer to me, where are chests were pressed up against each other.

Without barely any oxygen left in my body, I was only able to get out a few simple words.

"What... What is it?" I said, breathlessly. Staring into his forest green orbs. I think he sensed how tense he was making this, and I swear he almost broke his seriousness with a smile. He was so close to me, that I could feel his minty breath hit my face, our lips almost brushing, and I swear if either of us talked; they would meet instantaneously. The next words that left his mouth made my heart swell, feeling as if it would bust.

"Don't leave me, again."


1 M o n t h L a t e r

// Harry's POV //

For the first time, in a long time. I woke up in the morning with a smile on my face. Ever since I had found out that Hazel had left, that day, 4 years ago, I was utterly depressed. I didn't know what to do. Other then the boys, Hazel was my best friend. She was such a chill girl, but once you got to know her, and her dark secrets came out, you would think you would feel different. Like, I know it feels to be treated differently when your secret gets out.

Necessarily, the kind of treatment I get isn't, in fact, all bad. But they're are some pretty ruthless people out there that will try and get what they want, when they want it. Like paparazzi, for example. If you're 'famous' and you get spotted, they will, not even care if you beg them to leave you alone. That's why I ended up in a few articles myself because I was being harassed by idiotic people with HUGE cameras, yelling things at you, just to make a quick pound.

Just as I was about to close my eyes, and go back to sleep, a whole round of yelling erupted throughout the hotel room.

"HARRYYY!!" Louis yelled.

"NIALL STOLE MY BREAKFAST!!" There was a lot of footsteps running throughout the hotel. I rolled my eyes, they fight like this everyday. If it's not food, it's his phone, if it's not his phone, it's his nonexistent llama.

"Both of you shut up. And I'll be in there in a minute!" They were still running around, because I heard someone knock something over. Possibly a lamp, since those two have something against lamps.

"Oi! I'll shut up when Niall gives me my bloody pancakes back!" Getting up, and pulling on some sweatpants, and I opened my door just to see a half naked Niall with a plate of pancakes running throughout the hotel. And a crazy looking Louis with a comb stuck in his hair.

Shaking my head at them, I let them run around to get all of their energy out before our concert tonight. When I walked into the kitchen Liam was sitting at the Island with a cuppa tea in his hand. He was slowly sipping on it, "are you going to control them" I asked fixing myself a cuppa tea and putting some milk and 4 sugar cubes in it.

"Nah, I'll let them fight it out.  They'll soon realize that I made more than just those 4 pancakes." He nodded over to the plate, filled with about 20 other pancakes. I chuckled.

"So, when are you going to bring that pretty lady of yours over? We haven't really properly met her and your little lasses yet." I smiled, "I dunno. She has Uni, then she has work. So I don't really know when she'll have time to do that."

"You're on tour, and you still manage to see her. Harry, an hour won't hurt her. We just want to properly meet her for once." I sighed, he does have a valid point.

"Okay.." I trailed off. Digging my phone out of the pocket of my sweatpants. "I'll give her a call, but I can't promise anything." Ignoring the fact that I had butterflies in my stomach. Taking my cuppa tea, I went to the lounge and turned on the telly, but with the volume down low.

"Hey... Hazel."


What do you think she's going to say?! Tell me in the comments and just so you know, kylie_holland and I made a YouTube! And we have our first video '50 Facts About Us -25 Each' Go subscribe if you want! Byeee! ~Megan (: Xxx

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