T w e l v e

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I hope you lovely Lil' Carrot's enjoy this chapter!


Isn't graduation supposed to be fun? Isn't it supposed to be so full of happiness, all that jazz? Welp, that's not how mine's going. My gown is too small, I'm not even ready, I've been attacked so much at school that it's not even funny.

My mum say's it's just pre-graduation jitters, but that's only partly true. I'm just scared to even show up there. Yes, my mum and Naomi will be there, but that doesn't stop Morgan and Cassidy from doing anything to me before we go out on stage to get our diplomas.

I just realized, that you're all probably extremely confused, so let me just explain what's happened over the last week.

First off, Morgan and Cassidy had started up a whole bunch rumors that I was using Harry, and that I was some slut going for any guy I could get my hands on. Especially on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. I was attacked more on Twitter though. It was mostly from people that never even speak to me at school, that don't even know me personally at all.

Secondly, Harry had disappeared off of the face of the earth, I have no clue where he's ran off to, but I'm assuming he's giving up on helping me, I never even see him in school anymore, it's like he got my classes changed on purpose, leaving me stuck with my bullies.

I don't know what to do anymore.

At least after today, I could leave this horrible place and never return, but that doesn't mean that I'll escape them for good. To even be able to escape them at all, I'd have to deactivate all of my social media accounts, which I don't really want to do, but I have a feeling they'll give me no choice.

Let's just get this over with.

When the rest of my class and I walked up on the stage, Cassidy tripped me, but luckily I slightly held myself from falling flat out onto my face completely. All of my classmates started laughing at me, my face started to heat up, and I felt tears start to cloud my vision, right before any could fall down my face, I seen him, he was sitting in the crowd, he was laughing at me.

Since I was next up to get my diploma, after I got it, I looked back out into the crowd, directly into his eyes, and mouthed to him; I fucking hate you!

I guess when he realized what I had mouthed, his eyes widened, but before he could do anything I had already ran off the stage, making all of my classmates laugh, the crowd full of parents, and siblings gasp.

My mum had jumped up, and was pulling Naomi along with her.

"Hazel! Hazel, honey, please come back!!" She kept pleading with me to come back, but I didn't listen, I needed to get as far away from this place as possible.

When I got home, I was in a fit of sobs, I could barely breathe properly as well, he betrayed me. How could he?!

I guess that just goes to show, that you really can't trust anyone in this world. They'll go and back stab you in the end. And I learned that the hard way. I just never thought of Harry doing this to me, why would he join them? He wouldn't do that without a reason, now I really want to know what that reason is, I just need to leave, I needed to leave the UK completely, there's nothing left for me here other than my mum and Naomi.

And I know exactly where I'm going.


I hope you lovely Lil' Carrot's enjoyed this chapter! What do you think? Tell me if you like it! I'd love to have some feedback! Don't forget to vote as well, that always helps! 

Byeee! ~Megan (: Xxx

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