T w e n t y-T h r e e

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I hope you lovely Lil' Carrots enjoy this chapter!


"We shouldn't be doing this, I don't want to ruin your image; I and the girls being in your life will just complicate things." The smile that was previously on his face after our kiss was almost completely vanished now, "why must you complicate everything that I throw at you? I told you that I was willing of taking the risk of being with you and the girls, why won't you let me try. What are you so afraid of Hazel? You have to communicate with me, I can't read minds, I don't know what goes on in that pretty little head of yours!" He let out a frustrated sigh, pulling me by my waist even closer than we were before.

Eyes were on us already, I couldn't handle any more stress. If I was thrown anymore I would possibly explode, and have another mental breakdown. "Harry, I'll give you my number, we can talk this out, but as of right now, with thousands of eyes on us, I don't really feel comfortable. We'll talk, I give you my honest word. But just not right now." Forcing myself to smile, before taking a deep breath and leaning forward, to press one last short and sweet kiss onto his lips before prying his hands off of my waist and rushing back into the car, shutting my door and starting the engine. He made no movement as I drove out of the parking lot, he just stood there staring at us with a small smile apparent on his face.

When I drove up into the driveway of our flat, I shut the engine off, telling the girls to wait until I could unbuckle them from their car seats. So I took the keys out, opened the door and stepped out. Right as I did, thunder roared, and dry lightning cracked across the sky in a beautiful zig zag. It was for some reason to me, breathtakingly beautiful. Well...That was until it started pouring down raining, thundering so loud I could barely hear myself think. The girls were screaming, kicking the seats in front of them, crying so loud it made my heart absolutely break at the sight of them.

When I opened Xylee's door, I took held out my umbrella to them, "c'mon. This'll keep you dry as long as you two stay underneath it. Mummy's going to run up and unlock the door really quick. And after we're all dry we can go watch over the hedge?" I suggested, smiling when all the tears stop, and only sniffling could be heard now. Without saying another word, I helped them out of their car seats and under the umbrella before I shut our car doors and ran up to the front door of our flat and unlocked the door before rushing them in, and shutting the door, right as a now crackle of thunder rang out, rattling the windows, loudly.

After a little while later, I had given them both a warm bath and gotten them into their pyjamas before I got on my own. And when I was about to put on a fuzzy sweater, I heard the girl's voices from the lounge, mumbling to themselves. "I can't believe that was our daddy.." Violet's little voice, whisper to Xylee. "I know, did you see mummy's reaction when she first saw him? She looked like she was about to fall over.." Then the erupted in giggles, but all of the chatter and giggles ended when I entered the lounge, fully clothed in my black, plaid pj's.


// Harry's POV // ;)

I was stunned, she was so beautiful. After 4 years, she's still the same breathtakingly beautiful girl that I used to know, except now she had my children... Wow, I never would've thought I'd ever be able to say that. When we got back to the hotel we had been staying at for a few day's, all of the boys kept looking at me with a questioning look, but I brushed it off and headed for my room. Well.. That was until Louis decided to grab my wrist. "Mate, we have to talk about this. This just doesn't involve you, it involves all of us." He gestured to Niall and Liam, who were also standing behind him. "I don't feel like talking about this right now, lads. Tomorrow? Please, I'm tired and just want to go to sleep. It's been a long day for all of us." They all nodded, not saying a word, watching me enter my room, their eyes still on me until I shut my bedroom door.

When I entered my room, I immediately stripped down to my boxers and entered my en suite bathroom and started to brush my teeth. I was so emotionally, and physically exhausted. I felt like I could possibly sleep for about 2 weeks and not wake up once. Okay, maybe that's an overkill, but that just goes to show just how much I really am tired. Leaving my bathroom, I plopped onto my bed and pulled out my phone to send out a quick goodnight tweet.

@Harry_Styles: Tired. 😴Goodnight everyone! ✌🏻️😊

After I tweeted that, my Twitter mentions blew up. I was about to shut my phone off when I realised I had Hazel's number. I was nervous. What if she gave me a fake number and didn't actually want to work this out? Shut up Harry, and just text the girl! I listened to my conscious and added her number into my contacts and nicknamed her as 'Haze' then opened up a new message, nervously flicking my fingers across the screen, typing out a rushed message.

Me: Hey Haze, this is Harry... I, ah, well I just wanted to wish you a good night, and to thank you for actually giving me a chance. I understand why you left so quickly, I'm still not used to the paparazzi, and I've been in the band for 4 years... Ha. I hope you have a good night...

I was about to type 'I love you' but decided against it. Not the time Harry, not the time...


Welp, I hope you lovely Lil' Carrot's enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!

P.s. Do you think Harry should've sent an 'I Love You'? I think he shouldn've!

Byeee! ~Megan (: Xxx

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