S e v e n t e e n

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I hope you lovely Lil' Carrot's enjoy this chapter!


I couldn't help the sob that escaped my lips, as I held the item in my hand as my mum was waiting impatiently on the outside of my bathroom. "Well, what is it? I promise, whatever it is I won't be mad.. Honey you just need to talk to me, we can work this out." I shook my head even though she couldn't see it.

How could this happen? This just adds to the multiple reasons as to why I want to leave here.  I'm pregnant, how could this happen to me?

"Hazel, are you okay?" The worry in her voice only made me choke out another sob, after another 3 minutes had passed my mum couldn't take it anymore and had entered the bathroom. She gasped when she seen me sobbing on the floor of my bathroom, with the 3 pregnancy tests clutched close to me.

Your such a fool Hazel, you could've prevented this from happening by not going to the stupid party, if you wouldn't have gone, this all wouldn't be happening now would it? 

You foolish child.

 My subconscious was right. If I had just stayed home, I wouldn't be in this mess right now, but I can't really go back in time and fix my mistakes so I'll just have to deal with it. And at least this happened after I graduated from High School or that would've been a even bigger mess.

"Honey.." I knew my mum was worried about me, and about the decision I had to make. 

To keep the baby, 

or to not keep the baby.

I obviously am, there is no way in hell that I'd kill a human being that is growing inside of me, it's not like it had a choice, it's not it's fault that it's going to be born. And I'm against abortion all together so that's just the icing on the cake.

"Mum, I'm not killing the baby. Yes, I know I'm young and I'm taking full responsibility for it, I know it's going to be hard being so young and not having no clue about raising a baby.. But I'm up for the task.." I say, looking her directly in the eyes. "My baby girl has grown up so fast.. And you haven't even had the baby yet and you're already 10x more mature than you were a day ago." I smile sadly at her, but then my smile drops completely.

"I need to go, I know I promised that I would stay here for another month, but I just need to leave, mum, Holmes Chapel just isn't for me anymore. I need to go," by the look in her eyes I knew she was not happy with my decision. "Honey, I understand..I just don't want you to go..I don't want you to leave me, us. Naomi and I will miss you so bloody much, but if you're heart is pointing you in that direction then we'll just have to go along with it. I love you so much my baby girl, don't you ever forget that, forget us."

My vision was clouded with tears, I felt like I was in a flurry of all kinds of emotions. This pregnancy is already getting the better of me, and I haven't even been pregnant for that long. I know I have to go to the doctor before I leave to make sure this is actually legit, I don't want to be stressing about being pregnant if it's not really true, but if taking 3 tests wasn't enough confirmation, I don't know what is. But it's better to be safe, then sorry.

Quite ironic, isn't it?


I hope you lovely Lil' Carrot's enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one! I hope you all have had an awesome day, and Merry Christmas! And to whoever that doesn't celebrate Christmas, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Ilysvm! ~Megan (: Xxx

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