T w e n t y-F o u r

21 2 0

I hope you lovely Lil' Carrots enjoy this chapter!


I woke up, I was in a full on daze before I picked up my phone, to check the time, and was stunned to find out it was 6:50 am. I still had another 10 minutes before I actually had to get up... UGH. Out of nowhere, my phone was bombarded with notifications, mostly from Twitter, but most of all a message from a certain person caught my eye.

Harry: Hey Haze, this is Harry... I, ah, well I just wanted to wish you a good night, and to thank you for actually giving me a chance. I understand why you left so quickly, I'm still not used to the paparazzi, and I've been in the band for 4 years... Ha. I hope you have a good night...

I pressed my phone to my chest, and let the tears roll down my cheeks. They already are attacking me, but I'm trying not to let them get to me, but it's so hard... Especially when it's the same girls. I unpressed my phone from my chest and unlocked it again. Immediately it was filled with ugly Twitter messages from all kinds of fans. Wishing I was dead, wishing I didn't exist so they'd have their pretty little pop star back to themselves again. Well, that's only going to happen if this, whatever 'this' is, works out between us.

I know my feelings about him, they're obviously evident to Carter, to my mum, and my sister. All except him. Like it should be. At least, I think I want it like that. I mean, I love him. I always have, I don't picture myself with anyone other than him, he's the father of my children, the love of my life (even if he doesn't know it), and I can't change that. I mean, it was a mistake at the time, but now I just consider it to be a blessing that I had Xylee and Violet. They're my babies. I couldn't ever live without them now. Not after all of these wonderful memories we've made together.

ANYWAYS, now the real business. Work. I got up, and out of my bed, heading to the bathroom so I could freshen up and get the girls to Day Care, and me to work. I sighed as I struggled to get my comb through my nest of hair after I got most of the knots out, I applied some mascara to my top and bottom lashes, then did my infamous cat eye

I walked out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind me and pulled an oversized jumper over the grey tank top that I was already wearing, and paired it with some leggings and my combat boots.

"Xylee, Violet!" I called out, while still running the comb through my hair, well that was until I heard the little pitter, patter of their footsteps. "Yes, mummy?" Violet's little voice said as they both stood outside of my bathroom door. "Go into your rooms and pick out what clothes you want to wear, and I'll decide if it's appropriate."

"Okay, mummy," Xylee answered, for Violet.

An hour later we were all dressed, fed, and ready to start the day. "Are you excited to see your friends?" I asked while strapping them both into their car seats. "Yes, Sara is my BEST FRIEND." Xylee declared, making Violet huff. "Vi, what's wrong?" I asked, from the driver's side, strapping myself in. "Xy stole my Best Friend!" she whined, making Xylee giggle. "You forgot who your best friend is?" Xylee asked her, turning to look at her, as best as she could from her car seat. "Vio, your best friend is Samantha. Not Sara." I let them both talk it out as I pulled out of our driveway.

It was about a 10-minute car ride from our flat to the daycare, so once we got there, I walked them in, and checked them in at the front desk, while Ms Suzy guided them to their designated room.

"So, how're the girls?" Carter questioned me when the front door of the boutique. "They're good.." I trailed off, I knew I had to tell him sooner or later, but I choose later. "So, spill." I furrowed my eyebrows, confused. "What do you mean?" I ask, picking my nails, trying to avoid any eye contact with him, or I'll end up spilling my guts, and I'm just not ready to do that yet. But I also don't want him to find out from the media, not that they know anything about Harry and me, but I have a feeling that they've already made up stories about us like:

Those little girls are Harry Styles'! He's such a manwhore. How many other girls is he going to get pregnant before he settles down?!

Those kinds of things always got to me whenever I got onto my Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, you would see it everywhere. People just trying to bring other people's self-esteem down, just to bring theirs up. It makes me sick, but it's everywhere. There's no escaping it.

That's why I rarely get on any Social Media, other than Twitter, I'm always inactive. "Hazel, if you want me to help you, you have gotta quit doing that." When I snapped out of my thoughts, Carter had his arms crossed, giving me an annoyed look. "Doing what?" I questioned, standing up to go clock in, and put on my name tag.

"Pushing me away. You've done this for the past few weeks, even before your lover boy came back into town."

"How did you–"

"I could see it on your face," he had a small smile on his face, making me completely dumbfounded. "James gives me the same bullshit when he comes home crying because the people at work are making fun of him because he's gay and married. How do you think that makes me feel? He's my husband he doesn't even want to tell me because he's ashamed of himself. But you're my best friend. The one that I should be able to vent these things to. And I want you to vent to me when your afraid to tell Harry that he has children, with you."

I bit my lip, bring my index finger up and biting at the bed. Carter gave me a knowing look. "How did you find out?" I closed my eyes, inhaling and exhaling slowly, not wanting him to give me the answer, but wanting it at the same time. "How could I not find out? It's all of the news. 'Harry Styles has supposedly been spotted with an unknown female, first fighting in the parking lot, then kissing afterwards. Is this a breakup, make up scenario? Find out more, on Clevver news.' You know how hard that was? Not hearing from you first, well let me just tell this." He paused. "pretty fucking bad." I winced at his loud tone, my eyes now opened wider than ever, but everything was foggy as I felt the tears well up. "You know I wanted to, I just didn't know when the time was right to, I'm still confused at everything, so give me a fucking break and worry about yourself for once." I snapped, walking into the backroom, to hopefully ignore him for the rest of the day.


So.. Carter found out, welp. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one. Byeee! ~Megan (: Xxx

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