T w e n t y-F i v e

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I hope you lovely Lil' Carrots enjoy this chapter!


"Okay, so for this assignment, you cannot pair up with one of your classmates in this room. You have to choose someone that doesn't go to this University." Professor Joel was lecturing us about our new project that we're going to have to do. He picked up his briefcase. "Oh, and before you even think about cheating out of this, you have to come to me, with the person so I can approve, you all have to make a collage of memories with the person. This project will be VERY important for your graduation in May, so I'd really take this serious. Good day." Then he went, with his briefcase, and left the room.

Chatter erupted throughout the classroom, as people got ready to go home, but I was still sat there, staring out the window with my earbuds in, and listening to Ed Sheeran's new album 'Divided'. When I got really into his song 'Shape Of You', one of my really annoying classmates came up to me. "So, I heard you know Harry Styles." I mentally sighed. Can't she see I don't want to be bothered? Completely ignoring the question, I got up, grabbing my bag and hightailing it out of there.

It's been a few weeks since everyone found out that I knew him, and I've been bombarded by so many paparazzi, that you simply couldn't count the times on your hands. I can handle being in the limelight, I may not like it. But I have to protect my babies. They're my top priority. Whenever I'm out in public, taking them to the park or something. I make sure they never leave my sight, because if these pesky fucking paparazzi so much as lays a hand on them, I will stop at nothing to get them to stop.

Harry... Well, I haven't spoken to him either. I don't know why I'm going back to my 'ignoring people' stage. Especially the one's that I most care about. While walking home from Uni, (since I stupidly didn't bring my car) I noticed that I had a following. Of course.

"Please stop following me," I said to the group, picking up my pace. Absolutely not liking that they were gaining on me. I was so scared that by nature, I took off running down the street, making them all trample each other just to get to me. "Hazel! Hazel, please don't run. We only want to talk to you. No paparazzi have to be involved." One of them, that sounded like a girl, said. Making me stop in my tracks.

I scoffed, "yeah? Well, I've heard that plenty of times before." I was about to continue running when one of them grabbed my wrist as gently as she could. And that's when I realised that there were only 4 girls that were following me, making me let out a sigh of relief. I blushed, realising how much of a bitch I was acting like. "I'm sorr-" I started, but one of them stopped me. "No need to apologise, we know how bad the boy's so-called 'fans' have been treating you lately." The second one said, making me smile gratefully. Then they all introduced themselves. "My name's Lisa, and this is Mandy." The first one, with the curly blonde hair, said, introducing her and the other beautiful girl with the straight, black hair.

"I'm Nina, and this is Nadine. We're identical twins." I nodded, giving them a smile and a firm handshake. Which was weird for me.

We all started chatting, and they all seem like genuinely nice girls. But then the topic I was dreading for, came up. "So," Nina said. "How do you know Harry Styles?" It was an innocent question. Especially since the incident in the parking lot. I bet they all are dying to know my whole life story, but I don't think I'm up for that right now.

"As much as I'd like to tell you guys, not right now." The big smiles on their faces only dropped a little. "No biggie. But can we please swap numbers. We promise we won't spam you 24/7. We all just want to get to know you better." Lisa said, and I believed her. "Okay, I'll give my number to you, then I really need to go." They all nodded and we quickly swapped numbers. "Bye girls," I said, walking away swiftly putting my hood up and sunglasses on. Hopefully, no one mistakes me for Harry Styles. Ha, note sarcasm.

By the time I got home, I was sweating. Damn you California weather! I rolled my eyes at myself. That's how you know you've gone crazy. And another thing, my front door was unlocked. Also another thing, Harry Styles is standing in my fucking lounge! I was about to turn around when he stopped me.

"Please, don't push me out again. Please don't slam the door. You don't have to live in fear anymore." That's when I caught on. "Really, Styles? Quoting Frozen, I didn't know you would stoop to that level." I said, leaning against the wall, trying to hide the smile that was threatening to creep onto my face. "Please tell me the girls are obsessed with that movie, because then. Then I have an alibi." He had that cheeky grin on his face, the one that I had fallen so hard for, the one that always made me want to kiss it off of his face. I sighed, "if you're going to hold me up in my own home, at least make it worth my while." I said, making him raise an eyebrow as if to ask for my permission. The permission to which I granted in a flash.

Then before I knew it, I was picked up off of my feet and laid on the couch, with him towering over me. "Are-" I stopped him mid-sentence. "Just shut up and kiss me, you fool," I said, swiftly bringing my lips to his, making him laugh during it. Then he parted our lips. "Now, I remember why I missed you," he stopped. Looking into my eyes. "For your terrible, terrible jokes."

"There better be a whole lot more reasons, or you'll be outside, while I and the girls make cookies later." I threatened, Eskimo kissing him. He looked at me with a glint of humour in his eyes. "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me."


Ahhhhhhhhh my goshhhhhhhhhh I LOVE this chapter! I hope you LOVELY, Lil' Carrots enjoyed it as much as me, and I'll see all of your beautiful faces in the next one!

Byeee! ~Megan (: Xxx

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