T w e n t y-O n e

17 2 0

I hope you lovely Lil' Carrots enjoy this chapter!
My heart dropped to my feet, my anxiety had skyrocketed, and my pulse was going wild. This was it, Violet and Xylee were finally going to meet their father, the man that had given me my bundles of joy, the man that I left behind when I left everything, my mum, my sister, and him and the lads that I had barely gotten to know.. I didn't even tell him that I was leaving, I just packed up and left with my mum to the airport, Naomi wanted to come but she had a football game that she had to go to, the end of school football game (soccer for Americans).

The girls ran from my hold and right up to my mum and Naomi when they did they started squealing and jumping up and down. But when the realisation hit them, they both turned back to me. "Mummy! You didn't tell us Grandma and Auntie Naomi was going to be here!" I smiled and nodded, "that was the point, it was a surprise. I thought you would've liked them to be here?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "Do you not want them here? If you don't they could just pack up and leave, they were going to stay here for a week...But that could change if you want." The smile on my face kept getting bigger, and bigger until I looked like the Cheshire cat.

"No! No! We want them here, it's just weird..." Xylee proclaimed while looking down at the ground and playing with Mr Fuzzy's tie that was around his furry neck. "Who are they?" Violet butted in, pointing at the familiar 4 boys, sitting around the circular table that my mum and Naomi were also sitting at.

I opened my mouth, about to let out a lie, but chose not to and to shut my mouth. I gave a pleading look at mum and Naomi to help me, so Naomi decided to step up and take the task that I so badly did not want to do. 

"Xylee, Violet." She gestured to them, to let the guys know, then began again. "This is Niall, Louie (Louis), Liam, and...Harry.." She pointed at each one of them, that were in order, sitting at the table, but I knew she was uncomfortable when she hesitated to mention Harry's name.

 "Be nice, girls," I mumbled to them, taking my seat beside Naomi, letting the girls sit by my mum. I tried to everything in my power to evade from looking into those emerald eyes of his, but every time I tried he always pinned me down with his eyes, that were growing with intensity. Thank the lord for Xylee and Violet's overly friendly nature, making them stop the boys from all staring at me, and starting a conversation with them.

"Hello, my name's Xylee." Xylee introduced herself to all four of them, leaning over the table to try to attempt to shake their hands like I always had told them to do when meeting new people. The boy's chuckled when her arms were too short to reach over the table, so they made some effort to lean up, extending their long arms out to grab her small and petite one.

When I gazed beside me, at Violet, I kept catching her glancing at Harry, studying him curiously. It was like all the gears in her head were turning clockwise all at once. When she felt my stare on her she turned her head away from him, looking at me and whispering, "mummy.. Is he our daddy?" I felt my blood go cold and I wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole and shrivel away into oblivion.

I knew they were curious about their dad, but I especially didn't expect her to be spot on to him.. I guess you can definitely tell that they obtained my curiosity gene. Too scared to use my own voice, I looked away from her, making her fussy, and start to poke me. And since I'm very ticklish on my sides, I squeal making everybody at the table look at me, and some strangers around us turned to us to see what the commotion was about. I felt tinier and tinier under everybody's curious stares. 

I groaned in frustration, and laid my head on the cool wooden table, I felt everyone's eyes still burning holes in my head, and I ignored them as best as I could. 

10 minutes in, and I already wanted to go home. I knew this was a bad idea. I just wanted them to meet their father. Even he doesn't know they're his kids. I just wanted him to see them, for their birthday. And I'm thinking about telling him, I don't know how much longer I can wait, Xylee and Violet have gone too long without their father.

The bustling sound of dishes clanking against each other seemingly calms my racing mind, as I contemplate on how to tell him, then I could just go home, and be done. I could continue my semi-normal life, and Harry can go back to being a pop sensation, and wooing every girl in the world, including their mum. That's just in Harry's personality, he has the looks, the smile, the dimples that girls die for, and the charm that takes everyone's breath away. I sure know that feeling. I mean look at me, I had twins for fuck's sake. At 17!

We had all already ordered our frozen treats, and as of right now Xylee and Violet were licking their pineapple ice cream cones, as I had picked out a coconut flavoured ice cream, with a waffle cone, everyone else had just decided to stick with the basics and get vanilla and chocolate... Except for Harry, he had copied me and chosen coconut. I literally in the back of my head when he announced what he was getting, shouted 'copycat!'. God, I'm such a child myself, sometimes.

Then, without even thinking of the consequences or the people around us that heard, I blurted out the jumbled up words.. "Harry, I know you're not going to like what is about to come out of my mouth, but I've been wanting to tell you for a while now, and since you haven't caught on, I'll just have to spit out right now." I closed my eyes, inhale, exhale.

 "Xylee and Violet are yours...And I'm so sorry that it's taken me this long to tell you, but you didn't really make an effort to reach out to me either." The words flew out of my mouth in jumbles, making all the people at our table stare at me in shock, except my mum and sister.


I hope you lovely Lil' Carrot's enjoyed this chapter! Vote and comment, I'd love to know your opinion on the chapter is, or the story in general! Byeee! ~Megan (: Xxx

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