T h i r t e e n

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I hope you lovely Lil' Carrot's enjoy this chapter!


"Mum! You can't force me to do this!"

I yelled out, frustrated at the fact that my mum was making me wait 2 more months until I can leave this hell hole of a town that we called 'home'. There was still 1 more month until my birthday, and I sure as hell couldn't wait until then. But as I hate to admit it, I do need to get a job so I can save up some more money so I can fly to California, and possibly get a flat or apartment as Americans call it. And as of right now, my mum is making me go to an 'Graduating High School Gathering', as my mum liked to call it. All I could think of it as; 'Pick on Hazel Party.'

My mum didn't even take in account that I ran away from the Graduating Ceremony because of those imbeciles. She just thought I was being dramatic and a spoiled teenager, which I sure wasn't.

My birthday was June 1st, and it couldn't get here faster.

"Hazel, you're going to this party. And that is final! You need to get out more, make some friends, it's already the end of Senior year, and the only friends you have are Harry and his band of hooligans." That was one way you could describe them.

"Fine! But do I really have to wear a dress? Couldn't I go in some tights and jumper?!" It's not like I was going to impress anyone. Everyone I knew left me once Cassidy and Morgan aimed me as their target, years, and years ago. I've never had a real friend since then, and I quite frankly don't want any if they're going to abandon me when times get tough, and look what's happened, Harry's already left me. Surprising, isn't it?

She didn't answer me this time, she just threw a off the shoulder pink dress, said I could pick whatever shoes I wanted, as long as their not converse, which I really wanted to wear, but couldn't because I'd surely be made to change if I did. So instead of wasting my time pouting about what shoes I can and cannot wear, I chose some old pink ballet flats, and reached up to my bun that was sitting on the tip top of my head, I took out the 2 hair bands that was holding it together.

After letting my dirty blonde locks go, I shook out my hair, since it was wet after me taking a shower only an hour ago, before my mum started bitching about me going to the bloody graduation gathering.

Out of nowhere, from downstairs, I heard my mum yelling at me: "Be ready! I'm taking you to the party in 30 minutes!" I groaned loudly, rushing at work to put some make up on, and brush through the knots in my hair. God this was going to take me ages, curse you mum for only giving me 30 minutes!

It was 20 minutes later, and I spent half the time just getting through my hair, and only have 10 minutes to do my make up. UGH. Since I didn't have much time left, I swiped some eyeliner and mascara on, and settled with a basic light pink matte lipstick. After I finished all of that, I had to quickly do some eye shadow. I simply did some rose gold eye shadow and blended it with some gold as well.

As I finished my eye shadow, my mum knocked on my bathroom door and said, "Hazel, honey

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As I finished my eye shadow, my mum knocked on my bathroom door and said, "Hazel, honey. We need to go, I have to drop you off then take Naomi to her football game. Oh, and don't forget to take your phone so you can text me when to pick you up." I nodded, stupidly, since she couldn't see me since my bathroom door was locked, I swiped on a few more coats of mascara, then decided that it was good.

"Okay! I'm coming," I shouted then pulled on my shoes since I was so rushed and hadn't had time to put them on. I grabbed my purse, made sure I had my wallet and phone, looked in the mirror one more time, then headed to the door.

When my mum seen me, she literally jumped and started squealing which made me jump back surprised. I didn't say anything to her, I just wanted to get to the damn thing, and get back. At least after tonight I won't ever have to see all of my classmates faces ever again.

Only if it was that easy.


I hope you lovely Lil' Carrot's enjoyed this chapter! What do you think Hazel meant by that? Tell me in the comments and don't forget to vote! Byeee! ~Megan (: Xxx

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