Ch16 [Casting Calls]

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The next day Gregg and I were a little upset that we have to wait for the final results. I mean since when do you hear a school play not telling people what they are going to be auditioning for. I decided to ask a very dumb question.

" Do you think there will be any kissing scenes in the story," I asked wishing I hadn't asked Gregg that.

" Well if the play is what we have been hearing then no but if it's a romantic play story there will be a scene or two but think of it like this it's only acting it doesn't mean anything," Gregg said I guess that's true.

Besides even if we had to kiss someone else we already have significant others so it won't be that big of a deal right. After a long weekend of anticipation it was Monday. Gregg and I get through all our classes but anxious to see the play casting.

As soon as our last class bell rings we're out the door. Gregg and I run to the auditorium to see the list posted on the wall. We see there are already a dozen students swarming the list. As Gregg and I get closer we hear a girl scream NO.

Then say " how did she get the role and not me."

By that time Gregg and I were close enough to see the girl that screamed in rage was Celeste.

When Gregg and I got close to check the list she looked at me with a hateful stare then ran into Greggs arms sobbing, " oh James I didn't get the lead female role I got the role as one of the mean popular girls."

" Oh Celeste that's terrible," he said.

" I know right, me portraying a mean popular girl as if, I'm always the lead female and I am not mean at all," she said acting like an innocent angel.

" You know what why don't you go home and take a long nice relaxing bath and when your done get ready by 6 because I'm taking you out for a nice evening," he said.

" Oh really thanks, babe," she said kissing him goodbye. He said bye just in time before she left.

" Aww, how sweet of you Romeo but now come on let's see who got the leads," I said.

When I saw the paper I screamed with joy as I read my name on the list saying (Female lead role Amelia Hartnett as Josie Geller). Gregg smiled wide as he read his name on the male lead role but was their ever a doubt.

Gregg and I hugged then he said " let's go out and celebrate."

" Wait but aren't you going out a little later to take out Celeste," I said.

" Yes, but why can't I take out the girl I'm so proud of," he said smiling at me.

" Okay fine just let me take a picture of the list then we'll go," I said as I took out my phone to take a picture.

Then we got in the car he wanted to drive. " So where are you taking me out," I asked.

" Well I was thinking we could go out to this really great ice cream shop in Temecula," he said.

On the ride, their Gregg told me that I really deserved the lead role even if Celeste wanted it. When we got there their was a small line. Gregg asked me if I liked vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry.

I chose vanilla because I'm not really a chocolate or strawberry fan but I know my siblings are. Then he told me to look at the chart and pick an icee flavor.

I said vanilla again and he said " no you can't do that it's always fun and exciting if you pick a crazy different flavor."

" Okay I'll pick blue cotton candy," I said. We sat down at a little cute Hawaiian themed booth across from each other.

We waited their smiling at each other when I asked " do you think I'm going to have enough time studying my lines while showing up to rehearsals and work along with all my homework I already get."

" Of course I think you can do it if there is anyone I know that's truly capable of doing it all it's you Amelia theirs no one as amazing and gifted as you are," he said placing both his hands on mine because I had them on the table tapping really nervously.

As he rubbed my hands to comfort me a middle-aged couple stood up in front of our booth and began to argue.

" Brad I am done with you always saying that you're going to change I knew when I broke up with you when we were younger. I should have never gotten back with you," the woman said.

" Stella my love don't say that I mean look how far we've come already," the man said.

" I don't care what you have to say anymore Brad and you know why," she said.

" Why?" he asked.

" Why Brad! Its because you see the way this young couple looks at each other with so much love. The way he makes her laugh and the way they comfort each other. The way you can see their clearly in love with each other. That is exactly what we don't have anymore Brad and I just can't go on living like this anymore. I mean what happened to us Brad," she said.

Gregg and I wanted to tell her she misunderstood our relationship but at the same time, we didn't want to tell her something that would only upset her more.

Greggs' hands left mine after she said all of that and our icee ice creams had arrived. Gregg and I thanked the worker that had brought them.

Gregg asked to lighten the mood " Yeah Sweet Victory yeah."

I laughed a little then cheered to it with him. It was so much fun sing the song Sweet Victory. I was actually more surprised by how Gregg knew all the lines to the song.

After we sang our victory song and laughed with each other we began to settle down.

Gregg then asked " so what is the name our Victorious play is called."

" I don't remember but I did take a picture of the list and the name should be at the top," I said.

So I took out my phone and looked at the picture. I looked at the name at the top and froze.

" What Amelia what is it," he said.

I turned the phone to him and said " the play is Never Been Kissed.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I put a picture on the side of the movie Never Been Kissed which will be there school play. I also put the song " Sweet Victory" by David Glen Eisley. It is because it is what Amelia and Gregg feel and sing together. Please vote, comment, and tell more people about this story along with my other ones.

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