Ch 19 [What is this Feeling?]

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Amelia's (POV)

They say in movies and books that the perfect kiss is always described as fireworks or a tingling feeling in your stomach but when I kissed Gregg it was so much more it was indescribable. Words could not explain how incredibly wrong yet so right it felt.

Some part of me said it was more then just a kiss it's a connection like never before but like Gregg said before we even kissed were just acting and he is a pro so this clearly was just a typical kiss for him. It was wrong that I kept thinking about our kiss and how it was better then any kiss I've ever had with Danny. Gregg had big lushes pink lips that were the softest thing my lips had ever touched. What are these feelings that I'm feeling? I should call Gracie maybe she can help me clear up things.

As 10 minutes passed by it was now 1:34. I ran to the door nervously letting Gracie in as she rushed in eager to talk. Gregg was not here he had woken up early and went out. I'm not sure where but I'm grateful it gives me time for girl talk. Gracie pulled me in the kitchen telling me " okay what is it about Gregg you wanted to tell me about."

" I never said anything about Gregg," I questioned her.

" No you didn't but what other hot guy have you recently kissed in front of everyone and looked like you really enjoyed it and might be unsure of how you feel about him," Gracie said kind of summing up the whole thing shocking me. She really does know me to well no wonder she's my best friend.

" Okay it's just that you know how Gregg said 'wow' after we kissed in the scene," I said.

" Yeah," she said.

" Well that wasn't part of the script and it's kind of how I felt after we kissed. I don't know if it's just me but I feel like I connected with him in a way I never thought I would. It didn't feel like some kiss that was forced or that he has to just fake with any actress. I felt passion and-and... I don't know breathtaking. I know it can't just me who felt it but maybe it's just that old fangirl side of me coming out because she for filled an old wish," I said taking a deep breath because their was a lot I had to say.

" Calm down girl. I'm sure that it wasn't some old fangirl wish because you haven't acted like a fangirl since his first day at our school. I'm also 100% sure he felt the same way about the kisses because if you haven't notice you to have chemistry. Their is no girl who he looks at with such affection. Sorry but he's never kissed or looked at Celeste the way he has with you. Plus you've never done the same either for Danny. Even if Danny has been your crush since like forever," she told me seriously.

" Okay so what should I do if your right," I asked.

She responded saying " well if you want to make sure that that kiss with Gregg meant anything you can kiss Danny the same and see if it feels anything remotely like the kiss with Gregg. If the kiss with Gregg is better and felt like it meant more then Danny's kiss you have to talk to Gregg about it. See if he feels the same but if you think Danny's kiss is the better kiss that you have a stronger kiss connection. Well then you don't have to tell Gregg how you felt about the kiss unless he asks and say it meant nothing because you connected with Danny more. I know this seems like a lot but you've got to do this girl."

" Okay thank you so much Gracie I had know clue on what to think or do and now I feel like I'm really starting to understand," I said gratefully.

" Well what are best friends for," she said hugging me. Then I texted Danny to come over for a little early dinner date around 5 o'clock. I was going to make a really nice meal.

Gregg's (POV)

I had to leave the house early around 6:30am because I needed to talk to someone about my kiss with Amelia. Yet I don't know who to talk too. I need to go somewhere quiet and think about that kiss at the very least. I went to a little yogurt place around Walmart because it's nice and quiet. By the time I got there it was around 7:10am.

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