Ch6 [Learning about Amelia]

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The next morning Gregg and I woke up early. Yesterday when Gregg and I got home he questioned me about why I was so weird around Danny. 

I told him Danny was one of my friends crush. He believed me which was surprising. Well as we left for school I hung out with some girls I knew named Jessica for like the first to classes.

For P.E I hung out Max and Bobby my guy buddy's. So we were in the gym in a corner talking. On the end was Gregg and Danny talking. I wonder what their talking about.

Gregg's (Pov)

It was P.E and Danny was going to tell me his favor. " So what's the favor you wanted to ask me Danny " I said.

" James can you tell me everything you know about Amelia " he said. " Ya why " I ask curiously. " I just want to get to know her better so I can become a close friend of hers " he says.

" Oh okay just let me find out more about her and I'll tell you tomorrow " I said and for some strange reason I didn't believe him. " No man I need something about her now " he said.

" Okay I'll tell you at lunch what I know " I said. The teacher made us go change back in are regular clothes. Everyone waits for the bell ring so they can leave.

The next classes I'm constantly asking Amelia questions about herself. She curious to why I want to know so much about her.

I tell her I simply would like to make sure I'm not living with a crazy person. She understands a doesn't question me anymore.

After a hole class period of finding out things about her it was lunch. I went to were Danny and the other guys were siting.

I told Danny everything I knew. Except he wanted to know who she liked. Which is funny because I couldn't get that out of her.

Amelia's (Pov)

I'm now in my last class of the day and thank god it's almost over. A few minutes past and the bell ring.

The teacher tells us to do are homework and study because we have a test tomorrow. So not excited for a test.

I was trying to leave in a hurry and so was the teacher. I was out the door and in the hallway.

When I realized I left my notebook in the class so I went back in to get it. The teacher was already gone so when I walked into the class door I dumped into someone.

It was Danny he look at me and said " I'm sorry Amelia I should have watched were I was going ". " Oh no it's okay Danny I'm sorry I shouldn't have bumped into you " I said.

" Well it's okay but can you tell me why you were coming back in a empty class " he said. " Oh well I came back to get my notebook but what are you still doing in an empty class " I said.

" I was getting this notebook that someone left and now I know its yours so hear " he said handing me it with a smile on his face.

" Thanks but shouldn't you be getting to soccer practice " I said. " Oh no soccer practice doesn't start till 30 minutes from now " he said.

" Oh well then my mistake " I said feeling stupid. " Its okay but can I ask you something " he said. " Sure what is it " I said.

" Would you like to go to the movies Thursday night at 8 o'clock p.m " he said. " Um yeah sure " I said. As I talked to him I was very awkward the hole time.

" Well I guess I'd better get going. See you tomorrow Amelia " he said. " Looking forward to it so bye Danny " I said still nervous.

As soon as I got in my car to drive home. I called all my friend and told them that Danny had asked me out on a date I mean me of all girls.

Wait does that mean I was the other girl he's interested in. No I couldn't possible be it. When I came home I came in humming and skipping.

Gregg was actually home because he had left something at home for his soccer practice. " What up with you love " he said.

" Oh it's nothing Gregg " I said. " Your lying tell me now " he said. " Fine I'll tell you " I said. " So what is it " he said.

" I'm going on a date tomorrow night and I've never been on a date before I'm so excited. Guess who it's with " I said so happy beyond words.

" Wait you've never been on a date before " he said. " Ya what's wrong with not dating " I said. " Its just I thought a beautiful girl like you would have had dozens of boyfriends " he said.

" Are you calling me a slut " I said. " No never its just hard to believe that theirs beautiful and innocent girls out their in the world " he said.

" Aw thanks Gregg your such an amazing friend " I said." So who's your date love " Gregg said. " Oh he's a friend of yours " I said.

" Really which one " he said. " His name rhymes with Manny " I said. " What your going out with Danny no wonder he asked me all kinds of questions about y- " he said stoping before he finished his sentence.

" All kinds of questions about who " I said excited. " He asked about your guy friend if they like-like you " he said. " Well no of course not Max, Buddy, and you are always going to be like family to me " I said.

" Amelia don't we have work today," he said. " Oh my gosh yeah we do but your not going to be able to come I'll just get your schedule changed up. Well bye I go to get going," I said.

" Wait Amelia that's great what your doing for me but theirs something I wanted to tell you " he said. " What is it " I ask curiously. " I'm going on a date tomorrow night too " he said. " With who " I said a little mad. " Celeste Rosario " he said.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for reading this story. On the side I is a picture of Shay Mitchell who plays as Celeste Rosario. Please comment, vote, and recommend story to others.

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