Ch15 [Try Outs] Part 1

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I dedicate this chapter to @sophianne12345
😉Enjoy Folks

As Tuesday and Wednesday passed by Gregg did great as always well I think I was improving. I know Celeste is going to try out tomorrow to give every other girl a chance today.

I wish I could try and be more confident like Gregg. Through out all my classes I felt nervous unlike Gregg. It was coming to the end of the school day. The last period of the day was coming to an end.  Gregg and I went to the auditorium I went to the restroom because I felt noxious.

" Gregg I can't go today," I said.

" Amelia I know your worried about auditioning but if theirs anything you need me to do I'd do it for you in a heartbeat," he said.

" Oh Gregg your so kind to me but I'm not trying out today it's not the right time for me to go I want to go after Celeste," I said.

" That's fine Amelia you can try out when you are ready," he said hugging me. I felt better after all the kind words he said.

" Okay now then I guess we better go home," he said with one arm still around my shoulders with a big smile laying his head on my head.

I said walking out of the school with him " okay but we have lots of things to do."

When we were at home Gregg helped me make dinner. It was so much fun cooking with Gregg because he made me laugh so much and didn't know how to make most foods. The door bell rang.

So I told Gregg to watch the food well I answer the door. It was Danny at the door with flowers.

" What's this all about Danny," I asked.

" I heard that you sad today and I thought I might cheer you up by going out to dinner," he said.

" Oh Danny that's so sweet but James and me are already making dinner so why don't you just join us for dinner," I said.

" Okay sure," Danny said with a little uncertainty to his voice.

He came in and sat on the couch. " James Danny's here he's going to have dinner with us," I said.

" Okay Amelia," he said.

I survived the food and Gregg set the plates down. He set me and Danny across from each others as Gregg sat next to me Gregg usual likes to sit across from me when we eat.

So Danny wouldn't be to upset told Danny two people siting across from each other usually shows their in a relationship.

I moved to the end or the table and Gregg moved to my old spot. I sat here to give them both equal attention.

" So Danny what brings you here," Gregg said.

" Well I heard Amelia was not herself today's so I came to surprise her with a dinner date to make her feel better," Danny said.

" Oh you don't know that Amelia is going to try out for the female lead roles in the play but she has a bit of stage fright that's why she doesn't seem like herself," Gregg said.

" What Amelia that's great that your trying out for the play. Why didn't you tell me about it though," Danny asked.

" Oh it's because I'm the person that convinced her to come out of her comfort zone. So no know even new that we were trying out for the play," Gregg said.

" Wait we as in your trying out for the play too James," Danny said.

" Yeah," Gregg answered.

" What role are you trying out for?," Danny asked.

" I'm going to try out for the lead role but Amelia and I have no idea what the play is about," Gregg said.

" James and I did hear that the play might be about the kids of a family. So the leading male and female roles might be siblings," I quickly added to Greggs response because Danny seemed a little uneasy about Gregg trying out for the male lead.

" Oh okay," Danny said.

" Don't worry mate if Amelia get the role I'll make sure no guys come within a inch of her," Gregg said.

" Thanks James but it's fine. Well this dinner was very nice but I just remembered I had to do something very important earlier today for my mom or else she'll have my head if I don't do it before I get home. Well bye guys," Danny said.

" Okay bye," Gregg said.

I said bye as well but Danny gave me a kiss on the mouth good bye and it was not just a sweet little peck it was as if he was showing Gregg that I'm his property but that's crazy when he has no reason to fear Gregg.

I mean after all Gregg and I are only friend Gregg has never seen me that way and my crush on Gregg turned more in to a friendship like than a romantic one.

" Earth to Amelia," Gregg said.

" I'm sorry what did you say," I responded.

" I was just telling you it's a little weird how Danny left so sudden when only ate a fraction of his food. So do you think he just was unhappy you didn't tell him that you were trying out for the play," Gregg said.

Maybe Greggs right maybe it's just that because that's the only thing that really makes sense.

" Yeah I need to make it up to him some how," I said.

" Okay cool we'll do you want to practice after this or finish up our homework," Gregg asked.

" Let's practice our acting because I don't even have much homework," I said.

After an hour of practice in the old scripts Katy gave us I came across a kissing scene. I looked at Gregg then shook my head saying their will be no kissing scene Amelia so calm down.


It was now Friday. I went in the restroom and looked in the mirror and I told myself " you will be confident no chickening out you can do this you are far better in acting than Celeste. You will get the lead role. So if you believe it you can achieve it Amelia."

I felt much better after my pep talk with myself. I listened to the song Confidence by Demi Lovato  and told myself act like Demi in the video. I am trying out for a play after all so fairing my confidence will be great practice for me. I got ready and made some breakfast for me and Gregg.

When he came down we ate but he seemed a little shocked not to see me freaking out about the audition. When I got to school I walked down the center of the halls with Gregg right behind me.

I guess I seemed very confident because everyone started to stare. " Amelia their all looking at you," Gregg said.

" So what they can stare all they want James now let's get to our class because today we have a date with victory," I said.

As the day progressed Gregg asked if anything was wrong if I was really alright but he did also find my confidence to be helpful in boosting his confidence.

I kind of started as a fake confidence but it's actually rubbing off on me a little. The last bell rang signaling that school is over.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Guys I am so sorry I didn't post yesterday like I said I would it's just I got really busy. There will be a second part to this chapter very soon is already almost done. I'm sorry if this chapter has a lot of mistakes but pleases vote and comment. This chapter was going to be one part but it was to long that I split it into two parts each part is around a thousand words or more. 😊

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