Ch 20 [I Know You're the One] Part 1

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Amelia's (POV)

I was almost done getting dinner ready because it was now 4:27pm. I heard a thump come from upstairs as I heard a door upstairs close but that was normal. The wind is always blowing the doors upstairs closed. At first it was scary but you get used to it. I had a little over haft an hour but I know that sometimes Danny shows up early. Just then at that moment I hear the door bell ring. I ran to the door and fixed myself up before I opened the door to greet Danny. " Danny hi come in," I said kissing him on the cheek. He did the same greeting me. I set the table and check the food that was now ready. I brought the food to the table. I made us a nice chicken-and-broccoli pesto bow ties pasta meal. I didn't have any alcohol so I got the apple sider Gregg bought for us to celebrate after our play. We never drank it because I went to bed early. That's when we began to eat our meal and have a conversation.

" So Amelia is their something you'd like to tell me," Danny said suspiciously.

" No Danny why do you ask," I responded a little nervous but kept my cool.

" Oh well it's just I assumed you wanted to talk because we haven't talked since the opening day. Is this meal to celebrate your amazing performance. I know we didn't get to after the play because you left home with James so fast and didn't come to the after party," he said.

" Well yes I did want to celebrate with my amazing boyfriend but after the play I just felt so tired that's why I didn't go to the party. Now your here so we should have our little celebration after all I wasn't the only person who preformed amazing. You did to after all you were the hottest 'Guy' there," I said smiling with a little laugh hoping he got my joke.

" Oh that's funny because I played the character named Guy and I am hot. It's to bad they didn't give us our own kissing scene because I know it would have been fantastic," he said the last part with a wink.

I blushed and told him " oh hush us kissing in the play wouldn't have been anything big. I mean because we already kiss when whenever we want."

" Oh really so what about your kiss with James was that big," he said so casually.

(As soon as she looked down at her food to think of what to say Danny gave her a not so pleasant intriguing look.)

" Danny sweetie of course the kiss with Gr-James meant nothing we're just friends. It was a fake kiss any ways. The only guy I enjoy kissing is you," I said.

" Oh really then why don't you kiss me like that," he said and I could feel he was upset even if he hid it well across his face.

Danny finished his food and got up heading to the living room. I went after him grabbing him by the hand.

" Wait Danny I never wanted to kiss anyone as badly as I wanted to kiss you. I've had a crush on you for years and wanted you to be my first kiss which you were. So how can you say that I kissed him more passionately than I've ever kissed you. Especially when we haven't even kiss that many times," I said pulling him close to me.

" Really you've always wanted me," he said smiling a little.

" Let me show you how I've always wanted to kiss you," I said pushing him on the couch. Then got on his lap placing my lips on his.

We began having a heated passionate makeout session. Danny's hands started traveling up and down my body. I felt a sense of pleasure running through my body but I had a pinging feeling of pain in my chest. I didn't here the faint knock on the door but I definitely heard the door jiggling open. This lead me to break the kiss and move off of Danny as soon as I could. If it's Gregg I don't want him to walk in on me on top of Danny making out. The door opened wide as soon as I fall to the side of Danny trying to get off of him. We both were trying to catch our breath as I saw Blanca enter the house. I quickly sprung to my feet grabbing Danny's hand. I made my way to the door we're Blanca was still standing next to. I didn't even look at her.

" Well thank you for coming Danny I had a great time," I said awkwardly.

" Thank you as well I had a great time too. We should do this again soon," Danny said clearing his throat blushing.

I could tell he was a little awkward too. I blushed thinking he might be referring to the makeout rather than dinner. He didn't know if he should kiss me or not and if so where should it be on the cheek or lips. So I kissed him lightly on the cheek.

" Yeah I'd like that," I said as he smiled back and waved goodbye.

Then slowly turned to walk away as I waved goodbye as well. The next thing I know I'm turning around to take in a deep breath when I see Blanca with a 'I know what you did' look on her face.

" Okay spill because I know you two weren't just talking when I got here. Also I want to know about that performance you and James put on in the play," she said seeing right through me.

" Okay okay I was just making out with Danny but it's not what you might think," I said.

" Oh so you two weren't trying to go at it on the couch," she said.

" No Blanca we weren't it's just that well you see Danny was upset...," I said pondering for the next words I should say.

" because you kissed James and he along with everyone knows that you enjoyed it way more than you or James should have," she said shocking me.

" Yes how did you know?" I asked confused.

" Little sis I was there along with everyone else in the town. I could tell that your and James kiss was not just some little fake practice kiss. That kiss reassured my suspicions that you and James are actually more than just attracted to each other. I think your secretly in love with him and I think he feels the same way about you. So don't deny your feelings for him and say he's just a friend because I completely understand why Danny is upset. It's not everyday he sees his girlfriend kiss his friend and knows that it means more than any kiss he's shared with you. Even if you think this little makeout session will help him forget or think that that kiss meant nothing your wrong. He won't forget and people will be talking about this whether you and James like it or not. Now tell me who's kiss really meant more to you," she said knowing all to well what was going on.

" I know he won't forget its just Gracie told me that I should kiss him in order to see who I have more of a connection with. If I'm being honest I know that I've never felt anything like that before when I kissed James. Danny's kiss was really nice and felt good but it didn't... well take my breath away like James did. I know now for sure that he's the one for me but I'm not sure if he feels completely the same," I spilled to Blanca.

" Oh trust me that boy has to feel the same," she said.

" Really you think so," I said nervous.

" Yes I do and you should tell him," she said.

" Okay then I guess I'll wait for him to come home," I said checking the time it was now almost 8:30. Dang how did the time fly by so fast.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it. Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Please vote and comment.

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