Ch12 [The Double Date to the Fair] Part 1

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So it was now Saturday the next day and I was freaking out. Gregg and I did go to work for a little then rushed home. It was the double date with Celeste and Gregg. I really wanted my first date with Danny to be just the two of us somewhere romantic. I mean I've always wanted to go to the fair it is my first time going.

So there's two things to look forward to today and they are how Danny will be their and I'm finally going to the fair. I wonder what this day will hold for us. So both me and Gregg started getting ready for the double date. I know it doesn't start till later but after work I just want to be ready on time. The nice thing about this date is that Gregg doesn't have to go pick up Celeste because Danny wants to pick me up.

So Celeste has to come on her own. Back to me now I got into a nice pretty dress in my closet. I put on the dress when the zipper got stuck. So I was going to ask Gregg for his help but felt that might be to weird considering what has happened with us before.

That's when he came in saying he needs my opinion on how he looks. " Oh I'm sorry I didn't think you were still changing," he said awkwardly.

" No it's fine I'm just trying to get this zipper up," I said struggling.

" Do you need help zipping up your dress," he asked coming closer to me.

" Well," I said unsure of what to tell him.

" Turn around," he said gently puting his hands on my waist to which I did as he said. His hand went from my waist to gently moving my hair out of the way. My back was now exposed and I was blushing like an awkward idiot. He zipped up my dress very slowly with little distance between us.

I said " thank you and you look handsome."

His face was close to my neck as he said " your welcome and thanks," sweetly to me.

He took an awkward step back and said " wow," as I turned around to face him.

" What do I look that bad," I said.

" No it's just you look stunning," he said making my face turn red.

" Really so you think Danny will like it," I said.

" He'd have to be blind not to think so," he said smiling.

I ran into his arms hugging him telling him thanks Gregg. " Your welcome and thanks for agreeing to this double date because I know you didn't have too. I'm sorry I know you wanted your first date to be special with just you and Danny," he said.

" I'm fine and you know why this date will be even better because I get my two favorite boys," I said.

" So I'm one of your top two that's nice to know," he said.

" Oh whatever," I said smacking his chest. The doorbell rang turning our heads to the door way. We both backed up from each other clearing our throats. Gregg had put in his contacts and we went down stairs. We both were kind of wondering why the doorbell rang because it still wasn't time yet.

I opened it and it was Gracie. " Gracie what are you doing hear," I said shocked to why she was here letting her in.

" It's about Gregg," she said.

" What about him," I asked.

" The medias on to his little so called get away you guys need to be careful because I'm hearing from my source that the media knows he's gone missing," she said.

" Okay thanks for letting us know," I said.

" Oh by the away are you too going out on a date," she asked.

" Yes we are I mean after all doesn't Amelia look stunning," Gregg said.

" Oh I always new you two would get together and make a great couple. I mean after all Amelia always did have a crush on you when growing up seeing you on TV. Dreaming of kissing her celebrity crush-," she stopped their when she saw the facial expressions I was giving her.

" It's a double date with me and Danny well Gregg is with Celeste," I said.

" OHH okay well I'll just see myself out then," she said.

" Well bye now Gracie," I said.

" I'm sorry about that I haven't told my friends that where both dating other people and they just jump to conclusions," I said apologizing.

" It's fine I mean after all it's not a far fetched idea to think two people like us could be attracted to each other," he said.

" Really you think so," I said happy to know that he thinks about what we could be.

I mentally slap myself when he says with a smirk," so you liked and wanted to kiss me for several years now."

" Leave me alone I only meant those things years ago," I said pushing him away from me.

" Oh really well that's to bad because I'd totally let you kiss me," he said playful.

" Oh quiet, you liar," I said this time he stopped me from pushing or hitting his chest and pulled me in close. Our faces were so close as if he was about to kiss me by leaning in more when the doorbell rung. Oh my gosh what just happened I mentally slap myself saying you were saved by the bell. Gregg was not going to really kiss you.

That's when we opened the front door and it was Danny and Celeste. I jumped into Danny's arms hugging him tightly as he told me I looked beautiful as for Gregg he just greeted Celeste hi and a kiss on the cheek then said lets get going. We all got in Danny's car and took off to the fair. We didn't even bother to ask them why they came so early we just wanted to go on our dates. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Should Gregg and Amelia feel guilty about what almost went down or pretend like nothing was about to happen. At the top is how Amelia's dress looks like. Hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving and have a Merry Christmas. Thanks for reading my story please vote and comment.

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