Ch12 [The Double Date to the Fair] Part 2

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The car ride was a little quiet and awkward. Danny did try to make small talk with Gregg or me but we didn't have much to say. When we got to the fair it wasn't easy getting parking but we managed to find a spot.

"So Amelia I understand this is your first time coming to a fair you must be extremely excited," Celeste said.

I was nervous but not because of the fair even though Danny took it that way. So he stood up for me by saying " leave her alone Celeste not all people get excited when going to the fair."

" No it's fine I'm alright," I said as we all got off.

" Are you sure," he asked.

" Yeah I'm good," I said.

He put an arm around my shoulder as he gave the man the money for two tickets and Gregg did the same.

When we walked in Gregg said " so what ride should we go on first."

" Let's go on the round up first then the hurricane," Celeste said.

" Are you sure they seem like dangerous rides," I said.

" What are you scared of a little ride," she said being a little rude.

" Their actually not that little Celeste," Gregg said.

I think it upset her that Gregg told her something. " You know what it's fine lets go on any ride you want Celeste bring it on," I said challenging her and I'm 100% sure I could beat her in a fight but their will be no need for a fight tonight.

So we went on the two rides she said and instead of being horribly scared I laughed like crazy on the rides.  It was amazing and Danny was next to me on both rides. On one ride someone through up and some of the throw up got on Celeste's shirt.

I'm not going to lie but I laughed even harder when she screamed. After the ride Gregg bought her a shirt from a booth. We went to the fairs wheel.

She left to go get cleaned up and change. Well Danny left to go pee well that's what he said he was going to do. I was next in line with Gregg behind me well we wait for them two.

Thats when I got on the fairs wheel. The man told Gregg to go on with me so they could fill all the seats. That's when we were strapped on tight and started to go up.

I started freaking out because I'm afraid of heights. I closed my eyes because I was so scared.

Gregg grabbed my hand and said " it's alright I'm here with you Amelia you can open your eyes."

I opened my eyes and said " I'm sorry I'm just really afraid of heights."

Then I squeezed his hand tightly. He told me it was alright to hug him if I was that scared. So I did I wrapped my arms around his torso as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders holding me close.

I put my face in his chest. That's when all the fear I had been feeling went away and I began to smile. As we went down I looked up at Gregg we were face to face now. I looked at his lips and he did the same. We were having that moment we had before we came here.

" Okay rides over folks," the man controlling the ride said snapping me and Gregg out of it.

That's when we got off and walked out the little gate. We then saw Danny coming. He surprised me when he took out something from behind his back. It was a beautiful diamond silver locket.

" Oh I love it Danny thank you so much," I said then kissed him.

Celeste walked up to the three of us and said " what's going on."

" Danny got me a diamond silver locket," I told her as Danny put it on me.

" Wow that's so sweet of you Danny makes me wonder why you never bought me something that expensive or nice," she said making things a bit awkward.

Gregg said " hey I'm starving let's all go and get a bite to eat."

" Yeah I'm hungry too and that sounds like a good idea," Danny said.

We then went to this food truck. Celeste ordered for a salad well I ordered a burger like the boys. What can I say I'm a girl with an appetite and a little salad won't fill me. Gregg had some ketchup on him cheek.

I handed him a napkin and pointed to where the ketchup was. He was about to wipe it off with the napkin. When Celeste ran her finger down where the sauce was and licked it off her finger.

It was grows and Gregg said " Celeste can you please not do that again especially in front of other people it's very disrespectful."

" I'm sorry James your right," Celeste said. It was obvious that she was irritated by Gregg telling her that.

I'm glad he found it just as gross as I did. After we eat we played some games to settle our stomachs before we go back on the rides. Danny won a teddy bears for me. Gregg won two teddy bears and gave the smaller one to Celeste.

It's because he wanted to take home the bigger one because you always see a girl taking home a giant teddy bear. We went on to more rides but honestly after that it was getting really late and I was tired.

So Danny drove everyone home. Then kissed me after Gregg and I got out of the car. I told him I had a great day. He said he did too and both Gregg and I said our final goodbyes then went inside.

When Gregg and I were inside he asked me how my first time at the fair was. " Besides some bumps in the road it was amazing," I said with a big smile.

" That's good to hear and I'm sorry about Celeste's behavior," he said seriously.

" It's fine your not the one that needs to apologize for her behavior but thank you for all your help with controlling her behavior," I said kindly.

" Your welcome," he said.

" Okay well good night Gregg," I said giving him another smile to insure him I was okay.

" Oh wait Amelia I almost forgot I wanted to give you this," he said holding up the giant teddy bear.

" Gregg I thought you initially won that giant bear for Celeste or yourself," I said questioning him.

" Well first of all I already won her a stuffed animal and second of all why would I want to take home this giant bear for myself silly," he said.

" Wait what," I said.

" Don't you see I won it for you because you were so great the whole day. Plus I know it's no diamond silver locket but I think your pretty amazing. I also just couldn't give it to you their because that wouldn't look right if I did that," he said so sincerely.

" Thank you so much Gregg," I said. Then I hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. We said goodnight to each other then went to our rooms and went to bed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you all for reading my story and I'm sorry I haven't been updating much it's just I'm so busy with school all the time. Anyways on the side is a picture of the locket that Danny gave her. Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Please vote and comment.

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