Chapter 21: The Fight

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

A few minutes of driving and your phone beeps letting you know you have a text message. You grab your phone and look at it, Joey sent you a picture. You look at the picture, the picture is of everyone in cages...even Bendy, Freddy, Frisk, and Sans. You put the phone away and drive faster.

"Calm down, your heart is starting to race."

"Joey isn't going to hurt my friends." Her sweet cove doesn't seem to calm you down this time.

"I know you are determined to find and stop him but you need to be patient. Justice isn't always the answer, I know you have the bravery to save them but please. You have the perseverance and integrity of a warrior or maybe even better but you must calm down not to stress about it. Maybe kindness can be the answer?" (If you get the undertale reference in this area above then you are a master reference finder.)

Her words have calmed you down a lot and you feel better. "...Joey doesn't deserve kindness...but I will save my friends no matter what." You drive out of town and towards west to a large ravine and park the motorcycle next to a tree. You walk to the edge of the ravine and look down at it's deep contents. It's nothing but blackness and freezing cold wind. You brace yourself, take a deep breath, and let yourself fall in. As darkness surrounds you you close your eyes and wait till you feel the ground. At some point you feel your feet touch the ground and you open your eyes to a large castle looking place. It looks like a demon would live here, most likely Joey. You begin walking to the large doors ahead of you. You reach the doors, they are so huge you can't reach the handle. You can hear something inside. You walk close and press your ear against the door to listen. It's Bendy and Joey talking.

"You won't get away with this Joey! She won't come! I told her to stay back so she wouldn't get hurt!"

"We'll see about that, I sent her a picture of you and all your little friends in cages. She'll come at some point to 'save' you."

"She won't!"

"Then I might as well kill you to get it over with, you're so annoying Bendy."

With anger bottled up you use that anger and force to kick the doors wide open. Everyone looks at you, everyone in the cages stare in shock. Joey stares at you and grins, he's not human and nor is he anything normal. He's become a giant ink and darkness created dragon demon thing of some sort. He stands up, he's about twenty times your size.

"So you really did come, such a surprise."

"(Y/n)!? (Y/n) just run away!!"

"I suppose you are here to give me what I want, well...let's get it over with shall we?"

"Enough with the evil talk Joey, I'm not giving you anything. What I want is my friends back and be no more." His eyes widen.

"You want me dead?"

He laughs.

"And how is someone like you gonna stop me? How are you going to kill me? You're not, that's the answer. I'm more powerful than you now!!"

"No you aren't." You hold your hands out in front of you and focus.

"Use your emotions, focus on what you want...maybe it will come if you try hard enough."

Joey charges at you and with a flash of light and a glimmer of hope a white sword appears in your hands and you immediately dodge Joey's attack. Everyone stares in shock, Joey turns arundel to face you. You grip the sword tightly and turn to him with a fierce look.

"This is...interesting."

Without another word you charge at Joey with the sword, with a keep of faith you jump super high and swing at him. You sword digs into his black inky skin, he yelps and knocks you down by slapping you. You grab the sword as he hits you and drag it down his ark creating a large slice in his left arm. You hit the ground but immediately get back up ready to fight with a determined heart. Joey charges at you and tries crushing you but you jump and run up his arm to his neck and slash him before he can hit you down again. Inky black blood pours from the wound, he stomps the ground that soon cracks open causing you to fall in a large crack. You grab a small ledge, but your sword falls in and disappears. You hear him laughing thinking he has won, you start climbing. You reach the top and get out, you summon another sword. While Joey isn't looking you charge, jump up to him, and stab him in the heart. He falls the ground and slowly bleeds out. The cages holding everyone break open and everyone runs to you.


After everything happened and it's night time at the pizzeria, everyone is enjoying pizza and friends. You sit next to Bendy and smile. Hopefully Joey doesn't come back again. Alice and all the other cartoon people talk to Bendy and each other happy to be alive. You look at Bendy, Bendy smiles and kisses you in front of everyone...even Sans. You widen your eyes in shock and surprise as he did this, guess he just wanted to prove a point to Sans and anyone else that thought you were cute and wanted to date you.... (Sans). Everything from there played out fine and Joey didn't come back, hopefully it stays that way.

(I hope you enjoyed this story, this is the end for now until Bendy and the ink machine gets a chapter 3 and then maybe I'll add more but until then I hope you liked this as it went from small to big in the course it about four weeks. Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Goodbye!)

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