Chapter 2: Roses

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

Time passes and you hear something upstairs. You snuggled deeper into your blanket and try to block out the noises. The door bell rings and you get up to answer the door knowing it's probably Henry. The noises upstairs stop as soon as you touch the door knob. You open the door to see Henry. "Thank you for coming Henry."

"Something is definitely wrong and I wouldn't want you to be scared. Especially since this is the new house you moved into a few weeks ago."

He smiles at you and you smile back, you move out of the way and allow him inside. After he's inside you close the door and lock it. You both walk over to the couch, but you both stop as you see the Bendy plushy on the arm chair next to the couch. You look at Henry with fear. He walks over and grabs the plushy, he puts it upstairs in a room and locks the door. We sit down and watch a movie together. Soon you feel more comfortable and safe knowing someone is with you. But then, you both hear something crash upstairs. You freeze in shock and Henry gets up to investigate. He comes back saying he found nothing upstairs and the plushy was still in the same spot. Later you both go to Henry's house and stay there for the night.

"You can sleep in my bed with me if you want."

"Sure...but please keep a fair distance." He smiles and promises. You lay down on one side of the bed and he lays on the other. "...Henry?" You look at him but he's already fast asleep. You smile and face away from him, you close your eyes and slowly fall asleep.

Two weeks have passed, the noises upstairs in your home keep happening, the plushy never moved from its spot, and every day when you arrive at work you always find a rose with a ink stain on the stem on your desk. Today when you arrive at work and enter your office you set a flower pot on your desk and place the roses in the pot. You look onto your desk to see no rose but instead you find a rose petal. "That's odd..." You look around and see a trail of rose petals leading somewhere. Filled with curiosity you start following the trail. The trail leads down the hall away from ink flow room and towards the hallway where the dead Borris body lays. You follow down to the hallway and look at Borris. You see that the rose petal trail leads the other way away from Boris and to the ink room. You look down the hall at the corner turn into the ink room. You stand there wondering if you should follow, you start to feel something wrapping around your leg. In fear you quickly look down as something black dashes away and a ink puddle is left at your foot. You quickly step away from the puddle and dash away towards the ink room. You slow down as you turn the corner and catch your breath.

"What are you doing over here (y/n)?"

You quickly turn around to see Henry standing behind you. Before you could say anything Henry pins you to the wall and smiles at you. You can feel a blush creep up on your face but at the same time you feel scared.

"Pretty little girls like you shouldn't be down here~"

At that time Henry's phone rings, you take this chance to push him away and run down the hall to a door. You run into the room and shut the door locking it behind you. The lights in the room are off, it's pitch black in the room. You walk backwards to the corner of the room and sit down with your knees to your chest. You hear Henry's footsteps coming closer to the room, your heartbeat races with fear as you stare at the door and the tiny bit of light peaking through the bottom of the door.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) I didn't mean to scare you...where are you? I'm sorry (y/n)."

You hear him walk past the room and down the hall towards the exit/entrance. You heart drops a bit and starts slowly going to a regular beat. You look over and in the darkness you can see the Bendy plushy sitting near you. "...I never through I'd need you more than right now." You pick up the Bendy plushy and you hug it close to your chest as you close your eyes. You soon feel someone slowly wrap their arms around you, it's warm and you feel comfortable and safe. But you know that it isn't Henry, you locked the door and the door never opened. Without knowing you accidentally fall asleep with the pushy and the warmth of someone sitting next to you and their arms around you.

*ring ring*

You slowly walk up to the sound of your phone ringing. You grab your phone and answer it. "Hello?" You rub your eyes and sit up. The warmth of the person sitting next to you is gone but the plushy is still in your arms.

"(Y/n)! Where are you!? It's been over an hour and a half since I've seen you! You never replied to any of my texts or other calls! I've been worried sick!"

"...Henry...please calm down. I'm fin- wait...did you say an hour and a half?" You quickly look at the time on your phone.

"Yeah...where are you?"

"I'm in a room in the building, I never left. I must have fallen asleep from all the fear." You slowly stand up and open the door to the room.

"Are you serious? I checked everywhere, I went to your house, my house, I even checked town."

"Don't worry I wasn't alone the entire time. One of the other people here were with me." You leave the room and close the door behind myself. You walk to your office and sit down. Henry was dead silent. "Hello? Henry?"

"(Y/n)...we're the only people working here..."

  (I hope you all are enjoying this story so far. I will be continuing it very soon but with school and all that, it'll take more time to upload the next chapter. Anyway, i hope to get the next chapter done soon. Hope you enjoyed! Bye!)    

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