Chapter 18: Fight

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

You, Bendy, Henry, and Boris get into the cat and drive to Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria. As you arrive you walk in with everyone and greet Freddy with a smile, you all sit at the table and chat...well, you at least chat with everyone. Out of the corner of your eye you can see Foxy and Henry eyeing each other down, this probably won't end good. Chica leaves to the kitchen with Bonnie, Freddy looks at you.

"So, how did someone like you meet Bendy?"

" a job at the place he lived in and well....we met and so one things happened and soon...yeah, it's pretty self explanatory." He nods.

"We're dating."

You and Freddy look at Bendy with a confused look.

"Just...just thought I'd point that out."

Freddy looks back at you. "It's true but I don't see the point in you saying that here and now." Bendy looks down, Henry and Foxy are still eyeing each other down. Henry stands up and heads to the door. "Henry? Where are you going?"


"Why?" He turns and faces you.

"I'm not going to stay here with creepy robots staring at me."

Foxy: "creepy!? I'm not gonna just sit here while you call my lads creepy!"

Foxy gets up with his sharpened hook. This won't end well.

Henry: "fine then, let's fight."

Foxy: "gladly."

Freddy does absolutely nothing to stop this as Foxy charges at Henry with his hook. They start fighting, you can't take this anymore. "Both of you....ENOUGH!" They stop and look at you, Freddy looks at you. Chica and Bonnie look out of the kitchen at you. Boris and Bendy stare at you, Goldie even looks at you for once. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU TWO! YOU BOTH ARE ACTING LIKE CHILDREN! START ACTING YOUR AGE OR ELSE!" They back away from you as wveryone else just stares. You look around, everyone staring at you makes you feel uncomfortable and...sort of like a monster for yelling. "...I...I'm sorry..." You run out of the place and to an alleyway where they can't find you. You sit down in the alleyway and bring your legs to your chest and wrap your arms around your legs. What did I just do? Why did I yell? I never yell...not often...why did i snap? You sit there quietly, you can hear Bendy calling your name but you don't want to move. You feel like what you just did was unforgivable, yelling at your own friends that you've known forever. You drown out Bendy's voice and listen to the silence that takes hold. "...I'm sorry..." You phone rings, you take it out and look at who's calling you, it's Joey again. You answer it. "What do you want Joey."

"What's with the attitude?"

"It's none of your business Joey. Now what do you want." He sighs.

"I was just wondering why you yelled at Henry."

You feel your heart stop. "...How do you know this?"

"I can see through cameras with my new abilities, I can see you at this moment."

"...just please go away." The call ends, you put your phone away. You stay where you are, silence is the only thing you hear. Bendy stopped calling your name. You feel a slight drizzle, it's starting to rain. You get up and start walking the opposite way of the pizzeria. Rain starts to slowly pour, you just keep walking. Your phone rings again, you take it out and look at it to see Bendy calling you. You answer it but say nothing.

"(Y/n)? Where are you?"

You stay silent.

"(Y/n)?... (y/n) please answer me. You what? It didn't effect us, it was just didn't really sound like you a bit."

You still say nothing to him as you walk.

"...please come back."

"I need some time alone." You end the call before he can say anything else. You continue walking. Something huge and flying grabs you with its talon and starts flying away. You scream. "Bendy!! Help!!" Before anything else your dropped into a hole in a large mountain. You hit a few rocks before falling into a giant freezing cold lake or river. You swim up, shivering like crazy you swim to nearby snowy land. You climb out and wrap your arms around yourself to warm up. "What...the heck...was that..." You didn't dress correctly for a snowy place, your wearing a tank top and shorts...not a good choice of clothes in winter. You feel too cold to move, sitting next to the cold water. You hear footsteps behind you, they stop right behind your you. You turn your head to them only to see a very tall skeleton wearing a strange outfit and a red scarf. He looks down at you and smiles, you give a slight small smile back. He sees your cold and shivering, He takes his scarf off and wraps it around you before picking you up and carrying you somewhere. He walks into a small town and into a large house, he sets you on the couch.

"Would you like me to get you anything human?"

"...water?" He smiles and walks into a kitchen area nearby. You sit silently wondering what the heck is going on. Your phone rings, you answer it to Bendy's sweet voice.

"(Y/n)!? What happened!? I say something take you and you screamed and then you vanished!"

"I'm...I think I'm in a mountain or underground somewhere...but one thing for sure is that there is something different about this place." He mumbles something.

"How is it different?"

"...there is a skeleton...that is alive and can speak." Bendy goes silent.

"I'm coming to the mountain and I'll see if I can get in. See you soon."

You end the call and put your phone away, you hear the door to the place open. You look over at a short skeleton wearing a blue jacket who enters the house, he turns and looks at you.


The tall skeleton looks out from the kitchen.

"Yes brother?"

"Why is there another human in out house?"

(I hope you enjoyed this story, I will be updating this slowly but I will get around to it. Thank you and I hope you liked this. Goodbye!)

Dripping Ink (Bendy x Female Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu