Chapter 16: Alice Angel

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(Hello everyone, I'm back to finish this story but I have much more in mind. After watching chapter two of Bendy and the ink machine I found that there is another character by the name of Alice Angel and so I'm going to add her. I hope you enjoy.)

Half A Year Later

~~~~~~~~~~~Mickey's POV~~~~~~~~~~

Reading the newest video games while at the dinner table is normal. Oswald is sitting next to me with his little friends. The game Bendy and the ink machine caught my attention quickly and I just can't stop reading. The door bell rings.

Mickey: "Minnie, can you go get that please."

Minnie: "Of course."

Minnie leaves the dining room to answer the door, I finish reading the game. I'm very interested in it and it's story. I set the paper down.

Minnie: "Mickey! Can you come here?"

I get up and walk to the front door where Minnie is, she's standing next to a girl with black hair, a halo, and black devil horns. Her black dress outlines her in the light of the room.

Mickey: "Oh, hello there ma'am. How may I help you?"

Alice Angel: "I need help getting back to my home."

I grab my controller with alms every game on it.

Mickey: "What game?"

Alice Angel: "Bendy and the ink machine."

I freeze and look at her.

Alice Angel: "I was washed away in a storm and found myself here. I need to return home to warn Bendy."

Mickey: "warn him of what?"

Alice Angel: "Joey."

In the video game reports I'm pretty sure I read that Joey died.

Alice Angel: "He came back to life as a creature of the dark."

I nod, we meet in the living room where we can talk about this more.

Alice Angel: "by the way, I'm Alice Angel."

Mickey: "Mickey Mouse and the lovely girl that met you at the door is Minnie Mouse."

Alice Angel: "pleasure to meet you both."

Mickey: "so, where is this Joey guy?"

Alice Angel: "about half a week away from my home. We have barely enough time to get me there."

Mickey: "we have our ways, we'll get you there."

~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bendy and you are sitting on the couch while Henry is upstairs n his computer and Boris is making lunch for everyone. The phone we took from the work place rings. "Hu? Who could that be?" Bendy gets up and answer the phone putting it on speaker. Boris walks out of the kitchen to listen and Henry dashes downstairs to listen also. You get up and walk over too.


"Hello there, this is Minnie Mouse I work with Mickey Mouse."

A sweet lady voice comes through but looking at Bendy after hearing the name Mickey his expression quickly changed to a sort of anger and disgust mix.

"I don't want anything to do with that stupid Mickey Mouse guy."


A didferent sweet voice comes through, her voice has a little accent. Bendy, Boris, and Henry's expressions all change to shock after hearing the voice.

"A-Alice Angel?"

"Hi bendy, it's been a while since we've talked hasn't it."

"Oh my god you're alive, we thought you died or disappeared. I thought Joey might have killed you or even Sammy."

"Nope, I'm Alive and well but that's not why I'm calling you...I have something that with shock you."

You all wait in silence until she finally answers.

"Joey is alive as a demon creature and he's coming for you."

The air in the room thickens for you and everyone's expression turns to shock and fear.

"He's only half a week away from reaching your destination. You don't have much time. Mickey is gonna try to get me to you in time but what I think is....this will be a full on war. Us against Joey. We'll need all the help we can get."

This can't be real, it has to be a dream. You feel yourself become light headed and dizzy. You end up fainting for no reason, or maybe your having a panic attack. It's the second time you've had one in a few months, it's strange how they happen out of no where but this one is definitely for a reason.

~~~~~~~~~~~Mickey's POV~~~~~~~~~~


Alice Angel: "Bendy? Is everything alright?"

"I...I don't know, my girlfriend just passed out or had a panic attack again."

Mickey: "girlfriend? I don't remember reading about Bendy having a girlfriend in the video game report news."

Alice Angel: "well, you should help her out then. We can chat later. Just be careful when Joey returns."

"I will, thank you Alice. Henry, Boris, get (y/n) upstairs in her room for me."

The call ends.

Mickey: "Well, now what?"

Minnie: "I don't know."

Oswald: "we get as many cartoon characters as we can and fight this Joey guy once we get Alice back to her home."

Mickey: "Good plan but terrible execution of it. We need to think this through so nothing goes wrong."

Alice Angel: "That's gonna be a problem."

Minnie: "How so Alice? Mickey can do anything with his friends."

Alice Angel: "have you ever fought a giant ink puddle thing that could swallow you and dissolve you instantly?"

Mickey: ""

Alice Angel: "That's what I thought."

That's quite some sass but she was right, how in the world are we going to defeat a giant ink creature that only wants to kill Bendy and possibly whoever his girlfriend is. We need to think of a plan and fast. This Bendy guy only has days to live if we don't think of something fast. We walk to my teleporter room and Oswald runs to the control panel to put in the destination. Alice walks over too to help him get the right place to teleport to. We can't take anytime to stall, we must act quickly. For all we now at the moment, this could become a full on war.

(I hope you enjoyed this story, I will be updating this slowly but I will get around to it. Thank you and I hope you liked this. Goodbye!)

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