Chapter 13: Kidnapped

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A Few Weeks Later

~~~~~~~~~~Bendy's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~

It finally came time and we arrived at the hospital. (Y/n) is sitting in the waiting room, when we enter she looks at us. She gets up and runs over. She hugs all three of us, we hug back. It felt like everything was back to normal with her in my arms. I wipe the tears of joy from her face. We arrive back home, (y/n) goes to her room and changes into something comfy.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~

You walk upstairs and change into something comfy, a simple tank top and soft shorts. You walk back downstairs and sit next to Bendy and Henry on the couch, you sit between them both. Boris has the arm chair all to himself. You watch a movie with them to calm down from what happened. Soon enough Henry and Bendy both fall asleep leaning against you. You lean back and slowly fall asleep with them. You wake up in the middle of the night hearing something upstairs in your room. You slide down and out from Bendy and Henry. You get up and walk upstairs to see what the strange noises are. You walk into your room, the window is open but you can clearly see no one is in your room. You walk over and close the window. You hear something behind you but before you can turn around something hits you in the head knocking you out. You fall to the floor.


You slowly wake up with a blind fold on and your hands are tied above your head. This doesn't seem like it's going to be a very happy day after all. You hear footsteps, someone is walking circles around you. "Who are you?" They stay silent and they keep walking around you. "answer m-"

"You really are an idiot...a brave one as I might say."

Joey's voice stabs through your heart. "Wh...what are you going to do to me?"

"Haven't you notice something?"

It takes you a few moments, Joey walks over and blows on you. You feel the cold air hit your chest, you realize your only in your bra and panties. You start to freak out a bit. "Are you going to rape me!?!"

"I wouldn't dream of it."

"Then what are you going to do to me!?" You try pulling your hands from the ropes tied to them and attached to the ceiling. You feel Joey's cold hands grab your wrist and stops you from moving them. You freeze. He slides his cold hands down to your chest. He traces where the bullet hit, you wince when he touches the spot where the bullet hit you.

"Why would you take a bullet for that demon?"

You stay silent for a while before answering. "He's my friend....I'd do anything for my friends."


You tense up.

"I have a deal to make with you. I want you to be the one to kill Bendy."

"NO! I'd never do that!" You feel a tear stream down your face. You feel Joey place a knife on your chest. You freeze again. "...I would rather kill myself than kill any of my friends..."

"Hm? Is that something you want to do?"

"...n-no...I don't want to do that...I don't want to do any of this stuff..." You hear him walk around to the back of you, he unties the blind fold and let's it drop to the ground. You can see your in a room, it looks like a bedroom...probably Joey's by the smell of it. Joey walks to in front of you.

"If you didn't want to do any of this, why did you take Bendy home?"

"...I love him..." You look down. "He was so nice to me that I got connected to him."

"But you knew what could happen. You knew about me, correct?"

You nod. He unties your hands and let's you drop to your knees on the floor. He tosses your clothes at you.

"Get dressed and meet me downstairs."

He leaves the room and you get dressed. What does he want from you? You get up and walk out of the room, you walk down the stairs and see Joey sitting at a table with a plate with a sandwich and chips on it. You walk over and sit down across from him, he pushes the plate over to you with a cup of water. He crosses his arms and looks at you. "What do you want from me Joey?"

"First, I want you to eat. You haven't eaten anything for half the day since I kidnapped you. I didn't poison it, I promise."

You hesitantly take the sandwich and take a bite. He wasn't lying, it isn't poisoned. You eat the rest and drink some water. "now what?"

"You know I only want to kill Bendy, correct?"

You nod. "But I won't let you."

"Can we make a deal?"

"Not if it means killing Bendy." You look away from him.

"What if I told can kill Henry instead..."

You stay silent and look down.

"I'll let you think about it, you can leave when you wish. Remember, it's either Bendy or Henry."

He gets up and walks to his room. You leave and walk home thinking over everything he said. You reach home and walk inside. Bendy, Henry, and Boris look and rush over to you.

"Where have you been!? We've been worried sick!"

"I'm sorry I was gone for so long I....I went on a walk through the first near town and I got lost. I didn't have my phone on me so I couldn't call for help." Bendy hugs you.

"I'm glad you're at least safe."

You hug back, your still thinking of what Joey said. What will happen? Night approaches fast, everyone goes to their rooms. You sit on your bed thinking about what to do. You look out your window. "If Joey's going to kill my friends..." You get up and grab a sharp knife from your dresser. "Then I'll just have to kill Joey first."

     (I hope you all are enjoying this story so far. I will be continuing it very soon but with school and all that, it'll take more time to upload the next chapter. Anyway, i hope to get the next chapter done soon. Hope you enjoyed! Bye!)    

Dripping Ink (Bendy x Female Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora