Chapter 3: Bendy

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

You feel your heart sink.

"I'll be there soon, I'll pick something up to eat for us both. I'm on the other side of town at the moment so it'll take at least 45 minutes to an hour to get to you. Bye."

Henry ends the call and you stay there in shock. You slowly set your phone down and set the plushy on your desk. "No...if it wasn't Henry or anyone else...could it have's..."


You freeze and slowly turn around to see a real life Bendy leaning against the door frame of your office looking at you. He's about as tall as you but at least half a foot taller. Bendy's tail is wrapped around his leg and he stands up straight. He start walking towards you. The fear and worry in your body stops you from moving as he walks towards you. He stands in front of you, his tail unwraps from his leg and grabs the chair your sitting in. He pulls the chair closer to himself as you sit there in shock.

"I'm Bendy, Bendy the Dancing Demon. And you must be Henry's new partner, (y/n)."

You hesitantly nod. He looks down, you see that he looks kind of sad. "W-what's wrong Bendy?"

"...ever since you got here I've left the room I was suppose to stay in forever...I haven't explored this place and...the way Henry looks at you and acts towards you...makes me anger."

"Are you jealous?" He quickly let's go of the chair and shakes his head. You can see a slight blush on his face when he does this. He backs away slightly. You hear Henry call your name as he enters the building. Bendy looks at the office door, then he looks at you before vanishing into the ink and disappearing. Henry walks into the room, runs over to you, and hugs you. He looks at you with confusion and wipes some ink off your cheek, its probably from when you fell asleep on whoever that figure was, it was most likely Bendy. You and him have a conversation about what happened and how you felt when he did that to you. He apologizes.

Later that night

Henry leaves work while you stay late working on some drawings. After Henry leaves you put aside the drawings and start a drawing with your own design concept. After at least an hour you finish the drawing and yawn. Laying your head down on your desk you slowly fall asleep with no way to stop yourself. The pencil you where drawing with drops from your hand and rolls off the desk hitting the ground.

~~~~~~~~~~~Bendy's POV~~~~~~~~~~~

I walk around the place but I stay away from the hall with the ink room. (the the dead Boris but Bendy doesn't know about that yet since he was locked in a room for years) As I head in that direction I can hear something like a pencil hit the floor. I turn to the hall where (y/n) office is, I walk towards her office and creak the door open to peek inside. As I slowly peek I see (y/n) peacefully sleeping on her desk. I open the door some more and sneak in, I walk over to her desk and see a beautiful drawing on me giving her a roses. The rose. I give her a rose everyday, I guess she finally figured out who was doing it. I love the drawing she made and the art style was much different than my original. I leave the room and grab a soft blanket from the closet. I walk back to her room and place it on/around her. I lift her head and place the plushy of me under her head so she has something soft to lay on. Her arms that are on the table wrap around the plushy. I smile as I leave and close the door. Henry later comes back and carries her home, I glare at him from the stains on the walls.

The next day

~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~

You wake up in your bed with the plushy in your arms again, you smile and hug the pushy closer. You lay in bed waiting for your alarm clock to go off, your eyes closed and your hugging the Bendy plushy close.

*ring ring*

You open your eyes and sit up to the sound of your phone going off. You answer it yo Henry saying he doesn't feel well and he won't be at the place today. You take this as an opportunity to fix some things up around the place. You get up and turn off the alarm on your clock, you get dressed in shorts and a (f/c) tank top and boots. You grab your things and drive to work. As you enter you feel a wave of cold air hit you. You walk towards your office but notice the white ribbon for Bendy's tie near the hall where the ink room is and the dead Boris is. It takes you a few moments to realize. He found Boris!! You grab the ribbon and run to the hall, you turn towards the room where Boris is and see Bendy standing there staring at Boris. "...Bendy?" He turns and looks at you, he's dripping ink and crying it too. You walk over to him, fear is at the back of your mind as you approach him.

"B-boris is..."

"Dead, I know." You gently wipe the tears and dripping ink from his face. You tie his tie on his neck and hug him. Even if you do get ink on yourself there's a bathroom with a bathtub and there's a washer and dryer in the back room near the ink flow room. Bendy slowly hugs back, you can feel some ink drip down your back but you don't mind. "Maybe we can bring him back...with Joey's notes." He nods and you both walk to the ink machine.

    (I hope you all are enjoying this story so far. I will be continuing it very soon but with school and all that, it'll take more time to upload the next chapter. Anyway, i hope to get the next chapter done soon. Hope you enjoyed! Bye!)    

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