Chapter 20: Joey's Back!

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

You get up and look at them. Sans is holding in a laugh, Frisk and Bendy look worried. Bendy looks over at Sans and hits him on the head. You sigh. "I'm fine." You continue walking, after a long time of silence you grab the laser pointer from your pocket that you brought and shine it on the ground in front of Bendy. You can see Bendy is trying so hard to resist but once you move it he chases after it like a cat. Sans, Frisk, and you laugh. You point it at a wall expecting Bendy to stop and try grabbing it but instead he hits the wall with his face. Sans laughs so much he falls to the ground, Frisk laughs normally but you start laughing to the point you can barely breathe. "That was hilarious...sorry Bendy."

"...sorry won't fix a broken face."

"Bendy, your made of don't have least I don't think you do." You help Bendy up.

"Oh still hurts a bit more than you'd expect."

"Sorry...again." You continue walking with everyone. You all reach the exit soon enough.

Frisk: "okay, here we are. Oh, one more thing."

Frisk hands you a small piece of paper with a phone number on it. "What's this for?"

Frisk: "so you can call me and tell me when we have to fight to protect you and your friends."

"Oh, okay then. Thanks." You wave goodbye and leave with Bendy back to the pizzeria where everyone is worried about you. You walk in with Bendy, everyone one looks at you. Henry immediately gets up and runs to you, he hugs you tightly.

"I'm sorry (y/n)."

"'s okay, I should be the one sorry. I shouldn't have overreacted." You hug back.

"So, can we actually have a dinner...or I guess it's breakfast now."

Everyone looks at Goldie who finally spoke. You smile. "That's a great idea, I'm sorry for over reacting everyone."

"It's fine, have a seat."

Everyone has a seat and chats friendly now. You all eat pizza and play a few arcade games. Everyone gets along just fine, you smile and wave bye to everyone. Before you leave you answer your phone that started ringing. "Hello?"

"It's here (y/n)."

Your heart stops and the call ends. Everyone looks at you as you freeze and go dead silent.

"What's wrong?"

"Joey's here..." Everyone looks at each other in shock. Freddy looks at you.

"Looks like the war started early, you can hold up in here with Goldie while we take care of this."

"Yeah, I can't afford to loose you. Let's go everyone."

Everyone leaves and Bendy calls frisk. Once everyone leaves you sit down in a chair and start crying slowly for some reason. "...I can't afford to loose any of you either...this isn't fair!"

"Nothing is fair."

"I just...I just wish none of this would have happen." Goldie looks at you.

"But that would mean you'd wish to have never met Bendy, do you want that?"

You shake your head. A small white glow appears on the table and with a small flash there's a tiny version of you with Angel wings and a white dress.

"Remember, you aren't alone in this."

The same sweet voice comes from the tiny you. You wipe your tears away. "But what if I am alone at some point?" She giggles.

"Silly, that can't happen. As long as you remember who you are you aren't alone, trust me."

"So...if I remember who I am and remember those around me...I'm not alone?" She nods.

"Now, what's your choice? Stay here? Or fight for those you care about?"

"...I'm going to fight." You stand up. "If Joey wants me and my power then he has another thing coming. I'll give him what he wants, just not in the way he thinks. I'm not just gonna stand around and do nothing while everything I care about may be being destroyed at this second. I'm coming for you Joey, and I'm not backing down this time."

"Yeah! Let's do this! Joey won't know what hit him!"

She flies up and lands on your head.

"But of course you have to master your magic before that."

"I can do this, with or without magic. I can still beat Joey." She's nods.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?"

"Nothing." You dash out the door and look around. "Joey would probably go to my house first." You start running to your house. The tiny you hangs on as you run. You reach your house but no one is there. "What?...but..."

"They aren't here...maybe at your work place?"

You nod and run to your work place only to find they aren't there either. "...where are they?"

"Joey took them."

You look around to see Minnie hiding in a bush. You walk over and she steps out from the bush. "Where did he take them?"

"I...I'm not sure...they tried fighting him but with his probably new powers he was able to capture them all and fly away somewhere"

"Fly?..." You sigh and look around. Where would he go? It wouldn't be that mountain you met frisk at and it probably isn't any open plains areas or farms. The only other place you could think of was the strange portal located underground just a few miles away. "Which way did he go?"

"I think west."

"Thank you Minnie, I'll get Mickey back for you." You grab Henry's motorcycle from the place and hack it so it turns on since you don't have the key. You take the tiny you and put her in your bag gently for safe keeping. You start up the motorcycle and start heading west to find Bendy and everyone else that he has.

(I hope you enjoyed this story, I will be updating this slowly but I will get around to it. Thank you and I hope you liked this. Goodbye!)

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