Chapter 8: A Normal Day

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~

You slowly wake up, Bendy is awake but staying completely still as to not wake you. You slowly look up at him and smile, he smiles back as you sit up and grab your shirt. You put it on and get up. You walk to the kitchen and grab some cereal to eat. Bendy walks in and sits at the dinner table, you walk over and sit next to him with your cereal. "We made it to the weekend, yay." Bendy smiles at you tiredly, you smile back as you eat the rest of your cereal and put it in the dishwasher. You walk upstairs to grab something, when you enter your room with see things are put away and are much more neat. Henry must have came back and did this for you to apologize for the break in and for knocking over the stack of books which woke you from your peaceful sleep. You sit on your bed and think about what you could do today. You get an idea, you walk downstairs and over to Bendy. "You wanna go to a cafe?" Bendy looks at you with a confused expression.

"A cafe? But I'm a ink demon, everyone's gonna probably run away or call the police."

"You don't understand the world with live in, many weird things happen in this place. Like that pizzeria that had animal robots that apparently killed all the night guards that worked there. And that was true later on and blah blah blah bunch of other stuff happened. I got shut down and yeah...that's one of the strange things that have happened in this town." He looks at you with an expression you can't really understand but it looks like a mix of confusion, anger, worry, and a bunch of other things. "Anyway, what I'm trying to say is one of my friends that worked at the pizzeria works at a cafe nearby and she's super nice. She can get us some hot chocolate if you like that."

"...sure, sounds okay to me."

You change into some normal clothes and get in the car with Bendy. You drive to the cafe and walk inside. You walk to the counter to where your friend is. "Hey Miho, can we have two hot chocolates to go." Your fired smiles at you and nods. Bendy is looking around at all the strange people in the place, it's a mix of angels, demons, nekos, wolves, and many more fantasy characters from all around the world. Even the five nights at freddy's gang is here. But you ignore that and get your hot chocolate. You hand Bendy his hot chocolate and you sit down. He sits down across from you.

"I thought you said the drinks were for on the go."

"She knows me, I lie to get my drink here faster instead of waiting in line. She doesn't mind and no one else knows about this." You both laugh quietly and drink your hot chocolate. Bendy quickly sets his cup down and coughs. "Too hot?" He nods, you grab a water bottle from your bag and hand it to him. He takes a sip to cool down this throat from the burning hot chocolate. You drink your hot chocolate with no problem, he looks a you with a confused face. "I'm handle really hot stuff." Bendy laughs quietly while looking at you. Your confused for a while until you realize what he's laughing about. "Bendy no."

"Bendy yes."

"No." You set your hot chocolate down and glare at you.

"So I'm some 'hot stuff', that's why you can handle me so good."

You end up letting out a small laugh, you playfully punch him in the arm across the table. He laughs and grabs his hot chocolate. You both finish your hit chocolates some time later and head outside. You walk around town a bit, not many people look at Bendy. Bendy seems to be a little more comfortable after walking around for a bit. You later return to the cafe and get in the car. You drive home where Boris had somehow walked all the way from your work place to your house. He waves as you pull into the driveway and get out with Bendy. You all walk inside, Bendy and Boris sit on the couch and talk to each other as you walk upstairs to your room and close the door. You walk to your closet and look around. Henry invited you to a party tonight so you decide to look for something nice to wear. You grab some shirts and a (f/c) crop top to wear with a black kind of see through saggy shirt. You walk downstairs to see Bendy and Boris setting up a broad game. Bendy looks at you.

"Wanna join our game of monopoly?"

You smile and walk over to them. You sit down at the coffee table, Bendy sits next to you and Boris sits on the other side as they finish setting the game up. You grab your favorite piece before they can steal it, they grab their pieces and the game begins.

Later That Day

Bendy wins the game and you smile at him. Boris gets on the couch and slowly falls asleep. You and Bendy pick up the game and put it away. "I'm gonna go to the store, can you watch the house and make sure nothing happens?" Bendy nods and walks upstairs to the guest room. You walk upstairs and into your room. You dangerous into the outfit you chose and you fix your hair a bit. You leave the house and lock the door. You turn around to see Henry in his car waiting for you. You hesitate for a moment but then you walk over and open the car door.

"Let's get going dear."

You sit down and close the door. Henry starts driving.

  (I hope you all are enjoying this story so far. I will be continuing it very soon but with school and all that, it'll take more time to upload the next chapter. Anyway, i hope to get the next chapter done soon. Hope you enjoyed! Bye!)      

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