Rwby : Pyrrha nikos x male reader

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The two turned around pulling their handgun out aiming for (y/n) and Pyrrha who raised their hands in surrender showing they were friendly.
(Y/n) : calm down im friendly
Patrick : (y/n) what your doing here ?
(Y/n) : i need a favor..... but first meet my friend Pyrrha nikos (points to Pyrrha who waved shyly) Pyrrha this is my old friend Patrick and his girlfriend Jinx both better known as the most dangerous couple in the world

The two nodded Jinx wearing a smirk still feeling her blood rush from the small fight.
Patrick : okay but why are you here ?
(Y/n) : personal favor..... i believe somebody infilitrated Beacon and is planning something horrible..... i don't have the proof so i hope you two can keep a eye on her and see if she is really evil or planning something.
Jinx : oh and why would we do that
(Y/n) : if she is evil you can blow her up
Jinx :...... okay im in
Patrick : (sigh) guess i can do you this favor...... who do we need to spy on ?
(Y/n) : a team from Haven.... the leader is called Cinder i believe
Patrick/Jinx : Cinder ?
Pyrrha : you know her ?
Jinx : She is a friend !!!
Patrick : Cinder is more or less the leader of the white fang she was the one who ordered Roman to start stealing so much dust
(Y/n) : ahah so i was right !!!
Patrick : no im making this up
(Y/n) : oh
Jinx : (laughs)
Patrick : that was a joke Cinder is bad news.... so what powerfull as smart ...... also have a green haired girl who can manpulate minds and a guy who legs are replaced by cybernectic legs.
Pyrrha : those are with her
(Y/n) : then we have to stop her ?...... you two got evidence ?
Jinx : we got pictures... i can also draw her
Patrick : im sure pictures are okay Jinx

Jinx lowered her head, Patrick rubbed her back making Jinx smile starting to peck his cheek not caring the two hunters were looking.

The four made a plan that the two would leak the cops or atlas the information of Cinder (y/n) and Pyrrha would make sure Cinder stayed in Beacon to be arrested together with her team. The four soon parted as cops sirens were heard in the distance the hunters going back to Beacon the two lovers went back to their hideout.

The next day both (y/n) and Pyrrha sat together in goodwitch glass watching Cinder sitting with her team not knowing that her cover was blown.

The doors were kicked open by a lot of cops with guns scaring the students who all looked how the cops surrounded Cinder team aiming their guns.
Cops : hands up Fall
Cinder : whats going on ?
Cop : your under arrest for being with the white fang we have gained proof

Cinder glared wishing to find who ever betrayed her so she could burn them to ashes.

Emerald used her semblance to make them vanush like they disepeared all in truth they just runned out the clasroom running through the halls to their dorm hoping to first grab their stuff before leaving but a known dangerous duo stood in their way both glad to see that the cops acted fast after they dropped the clues.
Cinder : you two (clench her fists)
Patrick : guess the cops got a secret tip
Jinx : hehehe your in trouble (sticks her tongue out)

The three all glared hearing cops behind them, Patrick told them to meet them in the emerald forest if they wanted revenge then both disepeared in a smoke bomb from Jinx. Cinder, Emerald and Mercury all left to their dorm still managing to grab their stuff and sneak out of Beacon thanks to Emerald semblance heading to the forest for revenge.

The three moved quickly through the trees leaving Beacon far behind them following the directions to a huge open field with a ruin in the middle of it the same Ruin from rwby first time in emerald forest. Like they claimed Patrick and Jinx were already waiting for them but so was (y/n) leaving Pyrrha to tell the others what all happend then send the cops this way... after he killed them.

Various females x male reader (a lot of animes, videogames, movies etc) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin