Chapter 1

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"Should I pick you up after school?" Mom asked as she pulled into the parking lot.

I shook my head and replied, "No need. I'll just take the bus."

She nodded, lips shaping into a smile, "Okay. Have fun at school then."

I tried to put on a smile, but it badly failed and I only ended up sighing. "I'll try."

I pushed the door open and stepped out of the car. I finally flashed my mom a real smile this time before shutting the door close before turning to the school's entrance which was already packed with students arriving. And don't get me wrong, me looking like I would rather die than go to school didn't mean I was the type of girl who would build walls around her and didn't want to socialize with other people. I just really never liked the idea of school. 

I know a lot of people would say but you have to stay in school because it will be hard for you out there if you didn't have that diploma. I know and that was why I would force myself to wake up early every morning and drag myself here.

While gripping the strap of my backpack tightly, I entered the hallway with a face that looked like I was ready to head home. The hallway was also packed with students and it was obvious that most of them already knew each other - guys greeting each other with high fives, some group of girls already talking about where they spent their vacations, and the such. Then there was me, being sent away on my first day. 

Should I introduce myself first?

My name is Caroline Evans and I was originally from London. I'm seventeen. My family transferred to Sydney, not because of my dad's work or whatever the usual reason why a whole family would suddenly move to the other part of the globe. We simply wanted to. I mean, it was actually mostly my mom's idea since she liked starting new and she felt like it was about time for us to surround ourselves with a new environment. London was fairly different from Sydney and mom thought that it was perfect. My dad simply went on with it after talking to my uncle who was also living here in Sydney and told him that there would be a job ready for him, in case we would actually transfer here. Then my brother, Liam, and I couldn't really do anything about it.

 Sighing, I decided to get my class schedule first in the office. The lady with her round glasses didn't waste a second when she handed me a paper with my schedule and locker number, as well as the key. History would be my first subject and it would start in fifteen minutes. Thank god it was history because it was actually my favorite subject or at least the subject that I could actually spend an hour or so listening to.

I searched around for my locker and opened it when I finally found it. I placed all the stuff I wouldn't need for my History class and I was left with my History book and a notebook. 

I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, but with the three loud girls talking beside me while leaning on the lockers, I couldn't help but hear everything they were talking about. 

"Where are they?" Girl one asked.

"I don't know," Girl two replied and sighed. She really sounded disappointed. "I already searched in their usual hangout place, but they weren't there."

"Maybe they're still on their way?" Girl three suggested.

"Yes, may-"

And as if I was also part of their conversation, my head turned to them when I realized that girl two stopped talking. She had her mouth slightly parted open, looking like she was actually surprised, while staring at something far ahead. I turned around and saw four guys entering the hallway, and I swear that the whole thing looked like straight out of a movie. 

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