When he was finally done he looked up and looked me straight in the eyes. “well I have good and bad news. Which one do you want first?” he asked. “uhm..the b-bad one.” I mumbled although I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to hear it. “it seems like your frien-“ “boyfriend” I cut him off and he smiled giving me a short nod before he continued. “your boyfriend is in some kind of shock at the moment. He will get out of it but it might take a while. The good news is that he woke up and he will stay alive. He made it. That boy is a fighter, it makes me think that he actually didn’t really wanted to die. I think he was just scared or something but of course I don’t know that.” He smiled at me and left the room.

I stared into space a few seconds to think about all the things the doctor said. Louis’ in shock but he’s awake. That’s good, right? I just wonder why he’s in shock. I frowned and shook my head. I will ask him later but first, I need to get him out of that situation. I want my boobear back and I’m so close so I’m definitely not giving up. I sat down on my chair again and grabbed his hand. I squeezed it a few times, hoping he might squeeze back but he never did. “Hii Love, I know you can hear me. I’m so proud of you boo! You woke up! You did it! I love you so much you little munchkin!” I smiled and caressed the back of his hand with my thumb. With my other hand I brushed some of his hair out of his face. “you’re so beautiful. So damn beautiful.” I whispered and leaned in to kiss his cheek.

I wanted him to give me a sign, to let me know he’s with me. A sign that he can hear me, that he will come back soon but I didn’t get one. Hours passed by when I found myself getting really tired. I leaned my head on the side of Louis’ bed and closed my eyes whispering a soft “I love you” before I drifted off to sleep.


“come on guys! Just come with me!” I whined when me, Zayn and Liam walked down the halls. “I’m not in the mood.” Zayn mumbled and Liam just agreed with him. I sighted, I was so getting tired of their shit! It was like they didn’t care at all! I thought they did though, the way Zayn broke down the other day made me think that he truly did care but now I was doubting it. “You’re not in the mood to see your best friend.” I snapped. Both of them looked up in surprise, normally I don’t snap but I was just so tired. “Look, I know it’s hard to see him like that. I realize that but that’s not stopping me from visiting him! Look at fucking Harry! That boy doesn’t leave his side when he’s with Lou! Don’t you think it’s harder for him than it is for us?!” I yelled earning some odd looks from passing students but I couldn’t care less.

“We want to visit him it’s just…” Liam started but he never finished his sentence. “what is it huh? Tell me! what’s keeping you guys from visiting a friend who might be dead by now!” I yelled. But as soon as I realized what I sat I clasped my hand on my mouth. I looked at the others who were both staring at me with wide eyes. “y-you think he’s d-dead?” Zayn stuttered. I wanted to say no, but honestly I didn’t know. He could be. I just shrugged and turned around to put my books in my locker. “we’re coming with you.” Liam said as I closed my locker again and turned around to face them. I just gave him a simple nod and then we all left, walking towards my car.

When we arrived at the hospital we immediately walked towards the now familiar room. “I feel guilty.” Zayn suddenly said. “you should.” Was the only thing I said before I entered the room, both boys following me instantly. I chuckled when I saw Harry fast asleep with his head resting on the side of Louis’ bed. I walked closer when something odd suddenly caught my eye. I walked closer to Louis’ bed. “oh my god!” I yelled when I finally realized what was happening. I rushed towards Louis’ other side. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “oh Lou! I’m so happy you’re awake!” I squealed. Zayn and Liam joined me. “Mate, you scared us!” Zayn chuckled. Liam didn’t say a word though, he just looked at Louis with a frown. “guys… I don’t think he’s…awake?” he mumbled.

“of course he is! Look at his eyes they’re open!” I smiled. “yeah but look at them!” Liam was right. Louis seemed very distant. It was like he was awake yet he wasn’t, you know? He was here yet somewhere else. “he’s in shock.” Someone suddenly mumbled and I looked at harry who was still leaning on the bed but I could tell he was awake by the way he was caressing Louis hand. “s-shock?” Zayn stuttered. Harry finally looked up and stared at us with no emotion in his eyes. “yeah, he’s awake but he’s in shock. It might take a while for him to snap out of it but he will be ok.” He smiled at the last part and leaned in to peck Louis’ lips.

It was weird, seeing Louis like this. It was weird with his eyes closed but with them being open, it makes it even weirder. It was creepy! He kept staring without blinking and after a while it started to get really scary. “But he’s awake?” Zayn whispered after minutes of silence. Harry only nodded but it was enough for Zayn to make him smile like a goof. He pushed me away and grabbed Louis’ hand instead. “Good job mate! Now we need to get you out of this stupid thing so we’ll have you back okay? Good! Come on Lou! You came so far! I know you can do it. Just snap out of it, come back to us…We miss you…”

Pulling down his long sleeves...(Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu