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This chapter's song is "You've Got A Friend In Me" by Michael Buble. Enjoy this last chapter of the story!


(❦Liam's POV❦)

"Babe what're ya doing?" I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around me.

"Hey Ni, I was just thinking." I replied to my husband. Gosh, I still can't get used to that. It's been 7 years since Niall and I got married and I still feel as if we've just gotten married yesterday.

"Lance is now in school being the happy kid he is, Perrie & Zayn are having a baby on the way (she's two months pregnant), Andy & Cher are engaged, Veronica & Josh are married and planning to move to America, Jimmy's engaged to Becky, Harry & Louis are married as well and planning on adopting a child around Lance's age, and Paul's club is now considered a hotspot in England. Alot has happened...I'm happy." I turned around in his arms to face him.

"Good." He smiled. I took his arms, placing them around my neck, then placing my arms around his waist. He chuckled.

"I guess I'm still the girl in this relationship, huh?" Niall buried his head in the crook of my neck then turned both of us to look out the window to watch Lance playing with his Batman action figures in the backyard. I kissed the top of Niall's head.

"Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way." I grinned, he scrunched his nose up in the most adorable way, I kissed it, causing him to pout, and making me laugh at him, only to kiss his lips this time.

"I love you, you know that?" I whispered into his ear, kissing his temple this time.

"Of course, you prove it to me all the time by not seeming to be able to stop kissing me every chance you get." Niall replied kissing my neck.

"Awww look at the lovely couple!" A voice interrupted our moment. (A.N./ I seriously love the perfume...)

Niall and I turned around to find Harry and Louis standing in our living room with a child hidden a little, behind them.

"Hey Louis, Harry, kid we haven't met before." Niall nodded his head at them. I nudged his ribs slightly, smiling at him, and he stuck his tongue out at me.

"This little fella here, is Preston the kid Harry and I told you we were planning to adopt." Louis grinned happily. Preston smiled and waved a little.

"He's very cute." I commented to the proud newly parents.

"Preston, we have a son your age named Lance, he's outside playing with his action figures, would you like to meet him?" I asked the shy little boy. Preston hesitated a bit before nodding his head. All the adults smiled.

"He's in the backyard, follow me." Niall led the boy outside, and Larry and I walked towards the kitchen window to watch Niall introduce the lad to Lance...

(<Lance's POV>)  (A.N./ It's the epilogue, why not?)

I was just playing with Batman, Robin, and Catwoman when Daddy Niall came out with a boy with curly dark blonde hair, green eyes, and freckles. He looked around my age, maybe he could be my new friend!

"Lance-alot, this is Preston, Uncle Harry & Uncle Louis' new son. Would you like to play with action figures with him?" Daddy Niall asked. I looked at the boy once more, he hid a bit behind Daddy Ni and looked away once I caught his gaze. I smiled.

"Sure!" I got up and went up to the my shy new friend.

"Hi Preston, I'm Lance, but you can call me Lance." I held my hand out and he hesitantly took it, shaking it, but didn't let go. I smiled even wider, and pulled him along to Batman, Robin, and Catwoman.

"Which action figure do you want to play with?" I asked Preston, I noticed Daddy Niall went back inside and saw him with with Daddy's arms wrapped around him. I also see Uncle Harry holding Uncle Louis in a similar way, smiling and waving at me. I waved back at them, then looked back at Preston expectantly.

"Um....I want to be Catwoman..." He blushed a bit.

"Preston..." I started. He looked at back at me slowly, embarrased. I just smiled even more.

"You're different from my other friends. They always want to be Batman....You and I are going to be the bestest of friends."

(Nobody's POV)

In the next years Liam and Niall have been living happyily. Sure there were a few bumps in the road, but in the end, everyone really did have a happily ever after. (As cliche as it all sounds.) Ever since the day they met Lance and Preston's parents didn't know it, but they enrolled both boys to the same school, making them inseparable. Could it be, dare I say it....a Coincidence?

The End...


Awww looks like that's it :'(

Thank you guys so much for all the votes, comments, reads, and whatnot. I'm not sure what to write next, so if you have any ideas just inbox me or something.

Anywho, I love you all and---

"Awww, too bad no one loves you back!"


"Yes, love?"

I missed you...

"W-wait, what are you doing!?"

I'm trying to hug you silly, this is the last time I'm gonna be able to have a good bicker with you in this story...

"No, nope, get away from me peasant!"


"No! Get off of me----Ugh...."

*Smiles triumphantly*

Anywho, and for the last time in this story *tears up a bit*....

Asta la bye-bye!


Coincidentally Niam (ft. Larry and others)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें