Disrepectful youngsters

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Well uh...this chapter's kinda naughty but not? Idk...so uh...yeah. Enjoy?


(•Harry's POV•)

"Goodness....kids these days are animals!" Louis and I heard Jonny in the distance.

"I know right? Such disrespect, to the public as well!" Harvey spoke.

After a few moments later, we caught sight of Harvey and Jonny came walking towards us.

"What're you going about, Harvey?" I asked.

"We just walked past some porta-potties and this one porta-potty was shaking like crazy, right? So we though somebody must've left a dog in there, 'cause we heard a bunch of animal noises, but when we got closer, it turned into human screams, and realized....yanno." Jonny explained and both men made disgusted looks making Louis and I start laughing.

"D-did you get to see the people coming out?" Louis asked, wiping away a tear from laughing to hard.

"No, we were to grossed out to, and went straight here." Harvey shook his head. We chuckled again and noticed a blushing couple heading our way.

"Hey Ni, Li, you missed what Harvey and Jonny were talking about." Louis spoke.

"It's Uncle Harvey and Jonny to you young man." Harvey scolded causing Louis to roll his eyes, and waved it off.

"Uh what were they talking about?" Liam asked.

"We were just telling them about this one porta-potty with a couple or whatever getting a bit frisky in." Jonny scrunched his nose up in disgust. Liam and Niall tensed up and paled a bit.

No way.....

"Niall James Horan, Liam James Payne...that was you two...wasn't it?" I gave them a knowing look and a smirk. Harvey and Jonny snapped.their heads to look at them in shock, and Louis started laughing hysterically.

"W-what?! What are ya t-talkin' about? Pfft. No..." Niall denied, shaking his head furiously as Liam blushed a scarlet red.

"Oh my...." Harvey started.

"Well that explains why we heard somebody screaming out 'Liam!'" Jonny mumbled while still staring at him, causing Niall to blush just as red as Liam, and squirm a bit.

"LIAM! You dirty bastard! Who knew you could do such a thing! In a public area as well!" Louis barked out in laughter and causing me to clutch my guts at how hard I was laughing, clinging on to Louis.

"I never knew 2/3 of One Direction were gay...especially for each other..." Jonny stared at them. Louis and I calmed down, started getting a bit nervous, and looked at each other for a brief second.

"Um...why do you not approve of gays?" Liam asked.

"Oh no that's not what I meant! I'm okay with it, I guess, it's just suprising is all. I just thought it would be both weird since they both look like toppers..." Jonny trailed on.

"Jonny!" Harvey punched Jonny on the arm slightly, "Oh, and I'm okay with homosexuality as well."

Louis and I sighed with relief and looked at each other once more, and back at the others.

"Good because...that's why Harry and I asked you guys to meet up with us..." Louis spoke. I cleared my throat.

"Y-yeah...um...Louis and I are kinda...together now?" I squeaked. Harvey, Jonny, Liam, and Niall stared at us, agape and were all silent for a moment.

"YESSSSS! FINALLY!" Liam howled.


"YES!"Liam agreed and they both went a little away to start calling everybody.


"I KNEW IT! I CALLED THIS FOR YEARS NOW!" Harvey jumped up and down a bit.

"OH SHUT UP HARVEY!" Jonny rolled his eyes and let us go.

"NOPE! NOW PAY UP, YA OWE ME $69! HA!" Harvey pointed at him.

"Why not $70?" Liam asked after calling as many people he could. We gave him a knowing look and after a few minutes he finally got it.

"Oooh! That's naughty..." He blushed.

"Yeah, almost as naughty as you sounded while fucking little Niall over there." Jonny gestured to Niall still on the phone telling people.

"Jonny!" Harvey barked out in laughter. Jonny put his hands up in defense.

"What? You should of heard the noises, it was like out of a porno or something! Ughhh...Ah-ahhhh!...Oh my--OoOooh!...Harder!...Yeah, right t-There!...F-faster!...Nggh...L-Liam!"

I was full on crying from laughter and rolling on the ground a bit. Louis gasped.



Yeah...this chapter was short :/

So yeah...like normal I don't have much to say so...

Asta la bye-bye!


Coincidentally Niam (ft. Larry and others)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz