Double Date with Larry and Friends

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(♣Niall's POV♣)

"Looks like it's just me and you, Li." I turned to look at my boyfriend as we went back to his flat.

"Yeah..." He and I looked at each other. What are we supposed to do now?...

Fuck, that's what you do if you're alone with Liam Payne...

I was starting to wonder where you went. I haven't heard from you in a while Subconscience...

I'm a busy lad, I may be your subconscience, but I got a life as well...

Really? I thought you guys just stay in our heads?...

No, you'd be suprised. We all float over to Las Vegas and New York every once in a while for a get together with other subconsciences.

Oh that's cool. Do you---

"Hello? Earth to Niallanator? Do you copy?" Liam's voice thoughts.


"Louis and Harry called, they said they wanted us to meet up somewhere, is that okay with you?" He asked and I noticed he had a phone in hand.

"Is it on loud speaker?" I asked. He nodded his head.

"Okay then, but tell them that there's a carnival in town starting in a few hours, we should all go there." I spoke to the phone.

"I don't know, there will be a bunch of people over there..." I heard Harry's hesitant voice.

"Don't worry 'bout it Haz. They could dress up as girls like last night at the club. We could say we were on a double date or something! I call Niall!" Louis spokexcitedly.

"Wait, why do you get Niall? It's be best if you went with Liam!" Harry argued.

"Why should I date Liam?" Louis asked.

"Because I know you're gonna cause mischief and I need Liam to keep you grounded." Harry replied.

"Um excuse me, but I do not babysit the elderly." Liam spoke.

"The elderly!? I'll have you know that I may be 32 but I look ten years younger, around your age, so excuuuuze you." Louis sassed.

"I'm still getting Niall though." Harry spoke.

"Nuh-uh! I'm getting Niall!" Louis argued.

"Don't I get a say in this?" I interrupted.

"No!" They both stated.

Well then...

"How 'bout this, Niall dresses up as a girl, but I get to go out with 'im since I'm his boyfriend. I'll just barrow some of Leeroy's clothing and were good to go." Liam spoke.


"No butts, those are used for sitting." Liam cut them off.

"We know what else they're used for..." Louis snickered theb we heard a smack and a whimper.

"Louis..." Harry scolded.

"Sorry, sorry. Anyways, fine. You can have the lovely Niall, but make sure to not draw much attention, Leeroy has a bit of fame himself for being one of the worlds greatest choreographers, plus being Liam Payne's brother." Louis advised. Liam nodded but realized they couldn't see us through the phone.

"Right, okay. So we'll see you there?" He asked.

"Yeah, oh and we're bringing a few friends as well." Harry replied.

"I thought you needed to discuss something with us privately." Liam asked.

"We do, but that'll happen later on I guess. I mean we're going to a carnival, might as well have some fun, right?" I could practically feel Louis' mischievous grin from here.

"Alright, we'll see ya later then." I spoke and we exchanged our goodbyes as Liam hung up the phone. He turned to me.

"Looks like we got a double date with Larry and friends."

After getting ready, we decided to head over to the carnival a bit early to wait for then. I was dressed up in a lavander shirt with Sophia's bra and fruit stuffed in it, jeans with butt pads, and white high tops (the female ones), some make up, and extensions to finish off the look. I had to look like a girl didn't I?

Liam the sexy beast he is, is now wearing a blonde wig, with a purple headband, purple track suit, and white Vans. Not the best he's looked, but still the most gorgeous guy in the world to me.

"Hey Lee, Nina! Miss us?" Louis spoke as they neared us. Behind him was a smiling Harry and two other guys, who looked like they could be our grandpas or something.

"Of course Louis! We need a bit of laughter once and a while, and you are a funny man." I spoke in a girly voice and gave him a hug.

"Leeroy, I thought you and Marcel were off togther on vacation in Barcelona." The blonde old guy asked confused and disapprovingly.

"This is Leeroy's brother, Liam Payne. He's just disguised as Leeroy because we don't want to attract to much attention." Harry explained. Both men 'Oooh'ed.

"Then who's this fine beauty?" The other guys stepped up to me and kissed the back of my hand and winked.

"Uh..." was all I could say since I was pretty freaked out. Louis tried to stifle his laughter, but failed miserably.

"What?" The old coop asked.

"T-that's a man!" Louis barked out in laughter which caused Harry, Liam, and I to follow along. The other two guys looked at me in shock.

"My name's Niall Horan, and I'm 1/3 of One Direction." I sighed as I calmed down and shook the creepy man's hand.

"Oh! My apologies Mr. Horan, I didn't know." He stepped back next to the other guy.

"It's fine, I'm disguised for the same reasons as Leeyum over here. So, you two are friends of Louis and Harry?" I asked. The two guys looked at each other and the creepy one spoke.

"You could say that...I'm Jonny, and this guy next to me is my half brother Harvey, we work as executives for Harry and Louis here, and Harvey and I are actually Louis' uncles twice removed."


Yay, Harvey and Jonny! If you guys don't remember, I kinda promised that I'd involve them later on in the story and's later on!

So yeah...

Asta la bye-bye!


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