Broken Hearts

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Okay so something's weird with wattpad and I can't seem to fix whatever is going on with the two last chapters (idk if you guys see it or whatever) But I'll try to get onto my computer to fix it later since I usually update from my phone, so yeah...enjoy the chappie!


(♚Louis' POV♚)

Just looking at the loved up couple makes my heart burst. Little Mix, Harry, Zayn, and I just had to sing gay version of 'Kiss the Girl' from the Disney movie, The Little Mermaid, to try to speed things up with Liam and Niall.

After everyone took a few photos of the loving pair, everyone left, except for me, still watching Niall & Liam mutter sweet nothings to each other as they pecked eachother's lips every now and then. I then felt a presence behind me, and arms wrapping themselves around my waist.


"Look at them Lou...." Harry spoke quietly next to my ear as we both gazed at couple. His chin resting on my shoulder.

"They look so lost in each other, it physically hurts me..." I murmured back.

"Why's that?" Harry asked curiously.

"They look so happy and...I miss having that feeling with someone." I admitted.

"Louis, you always have me." Harry spoke seriously. At that, I snapped, and grabbed his wrist leading him back into the maze, to a dead end.

"Lou...?" Harry asked as I pushed him onto the hedge, cupping his face in both of my hands.

"Harry Edward Styles, I can't take this anymore. You constantly tell me your always here for me, that you'll never leave my side, and that I can be happy with you. Don't you see what you do to me? Even though you say all those sweet things, at the end of the day...I'm still alone...Sure we have sleep overs sometimes, but I don't mean physically. I mean emotionally. You were always with somebody else. Caroline, one of the dances in Leeroy's group, that one drunk night with Taylor that could've gotten you arrested, Veronica for 5 years, and even Kendall Jenner even though you two weren't necessarily together but you still fancied her nonetheless. Me? could never....Don't tell me otherwise because I know. So please don't tell me I could be happy with you when I know you could never be happy with me...Dammit Styles, if you hadn't noticed after all these years...I'm gay. And I'm truly madly deeply in love...with you....and it hurts knowing that you could never have love someone like me...whether a guy or not. I'm not good enough for you Haz. Even if I was a girl and not a guy. I understand if you hate me now. You don't need to hear from me or see me anymore. I'll even hand over my share of our company to you if I have to...I'll let you go." I whispered the last part, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. He took hold of my hands and slowly took them off his face, letting them fall to my side as my tears and heart fell down with them. He didn't say anything. Not even a simple goodbye...but he left. Walking away like all I said meant nothing. Was nothing. He left me vulnerable, and crying. He left me all alone...

What happened to your promise of never leaving me Harry?...

(♣Niall's POV♣)

Everything's perfect. Liam's perfect. This whole date's perfect. This moment's perfect. Then I decided to pop a certain question. No, not the question, but something close to it...

"Liam James Payne..." I started.

"Niall James Whore-an..." He smirked against my lips.

"Way to ruin the moment, Li." I chuckled.

"Not possible, every moment with you's perfect." He murmured and kissed me slowly.

"Cheesy..." I smiled into the kiss. He then pulled back.

"So what was it you were saying, again?" He asked bumping our noses causing us to eskimo kiss.

"I was just wondering'd make me the happiest man in the world an be my boyfriend?" asked nervously. He stopped and pulled back. Looking at me, and searching for something in my eyes. Oh no, he must think I'm joking or something and wouldn't want to go out with me...

That's a stupid thought, why else would he agree to go on a date with you then, and kiss you?...

Maybe thought it was a one time thing or something? Or maybe he thought we'd be friends with benefits? I don't know---

"You've got to be joking with me!" Liam spoke seriously.

I knew it...

"Of course I'll be your boyfriend Ni!" He through his arms around me and pulled me into another kiss.

Well then...

We both pulled back and smiled, leaving a comfortable silence around us. We stayed in the boat a little longer, then decided to head back and take pictures of everyone in there Disney costumes. As we walked to the maze, we started hearing sobs and whimpers coming from one of the pathways. The person sounded familiar...

"Should we go check it out?" I asked Liam and held his hand.

"Yeah, who knows if it's someone who's lost their way or whatever." Liam spoke.

We then followed the sobs to a dead end and found someone tucked into a ball at a corner. Liam and I both gasped as we drew closer to the figure.



Haaaa, you thought it was Louis or something didn't cha? Well nope, it's Harreh.

Any---Louis...what are you doing?

"Pretending to rip your guts out for doing that to us, this chapter..."

You wanted me to progess Larry, so I did. *shrugs*

"Yeah, in a good way! Not spilling the beans to Harry and me ending up breaking our hearts!"

Well the first step to love is saying it, and like in life, to get to the ultimate goal (finding the one), you need to go through hurtles, and this is one of them.

"How are you 14?.."

I'm weird for my age.


Asta la bye-bye!


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