So what's it gonna be?

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(❦Liam's POV❦)

Well this is interesting...looks like Niall's the one whom Mr. Styles & Mr. Tomlinson had paired me up with...what a coincidence.

"I didn't know you sang." Niall had asked me.

"Um, I kinda do. It was actually my friend Andy who had sent in ny resume and a CD of me singing 'Cry Me a River' by Michael Buble, I am now, heh." I shrugged and smiled sheepishly. Niall smiled a very adorable smile back at me.

"Ha, what a coincidence. Your friend Andy also works at the bar where you applied to work at, and ended up meeting me, and Andy's also the one who sent in my resume and a CD of me preforming a song, but it was 'So Sick' by Ne-yo to TommoStyles Industeries."

"Really? Well then no wonder they paired us up together, they probably thought if the same guy sent in both of our CD's, then we must be friends." I replied.

"That we are mate, even though I've known you for two days, it seems like I've known ya for years." Niall's cute accent wrung out.

"I agree." I smiled at him once again. I feel like all we do is just talk and smile at each other. I don't mind though, I guess it's just his Irish charm. I mentally chuckled to myself.

"So, you think they're done discussing about us?" Niall asked after awhile.

"I don't know maybe. I would call a waiter over to order something while we wait, but I feel like you'd finish it in the matter of seconds." I mused.

While Harry & Louis were here with us before, and were getting to know us, Niall went through four courses in the matter of 30 minutes. I was only halfway through my meal, and it being pasta with shrimp.

"Hey! What can I say, I may be 20, but I'm still a growing lad." Niall defended. I couldn't help but chuckle at him and not long after, Louis & Harry had came back with the results.

"Okay, so we're obviously done discussing, and none of you could do a solo carrier," Louis stated with a foreshadowing look. I felt very disappointed, and Niall looked like a baby who's toy had been taken away.

"But..." Harry slowly started to grin, and looked back at Louis.

"We would love to sign both of you as a pair! Are you two okay with that?" Louis & Harry both had on serious faces.

"As long as it's Liam, I'm more than happy to. So...what's it gonna be Liam?" Niall looked back at me hopefully.

"Well..." I sounded a little hesitant. All three lads had a worried expression on their faces."Of course! I'd love to work with Niall!" I beamed.

"Fantastic! All we need to do now is sign these papers so that both of you will be part of TommoStyles Industeries." Harry then took out the papers from his briefcase.

After reading the contracts through, Niall and I both signed and returned the papers back to Harry who put them back in his brief case which contained other papers and some...bananas?

Niall had also seen it and we both gave him questioning looks. Louis just laughed as Harry started to blush out of embarrassment.

"Erm...I like to eat bananas so...I carry some around with me..." Harry explained sheepishly.

"But wouldn't the bananas start to rot?" Niall inquires.

"And wouldn't it make the papers stick together and also cause a mess in your briefcase?" I added.

By then Louis was in hysterics and Zayn & Perrie who were at the other table not to far from where we are, had turned to look at what was happening.

"''s just....DON'T QUESTION MY BANANAS ALRIGHT!?!" Harry was as red as a tomatoe by now.

"Sirs, I would like you to please calm down and lower your voices." A waiter came by our table.

"Yeah well I'd like to carry around bananas in my briefcase without too much trouble, is that too much to ask?" Harry spoke back to the waiter. The waiter gave him a weirded-out look and went away to fetch our bill.

Louis finally had calmed down, giggling every now and then, and decided to speak, looking fondlt at Harry, "Hazza, I told you, you shouldn't've brought the bananas, not everyone is accepting of them as I am."

"You're right, I should've listened to my BooBear." Harry nuzzled his head onto Louis' neck and Louis held him close. There were rumors of them being together, but they were quickly dismissed after Louis was said to be dating someone else, but not saying who, since the person might get hate. Louis & Harry were both basically famous since Harry has been a judge for Xfactor UK for two years now, Louis had been a judge for American Idol for four years, and both have been a duo in the music industry for a long time.

"So...BooBear & Hazza." Niall snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Uhm...yeah. Louis' mother has called him BooBear since he was little, and I now use it has his nickname," Harry started.

"And I made that nickname up for Harry since, he's Hazza." Louis concluded. Niall and I nodded.

"If that's the case, then Liam, my nickname for you will be...Li, Li-Li, or maybe Leeyum." Niall beamed cutely.

"Okay, then my nickname for you would be...Nialler, Ni, or maybe Ni-Ni." I spoke in consideration and smiled lightly at him, and returned it.

"Good. We are thinking of nicknames because we forgot what we're going to call you guys." Louus realized.

"How about...Niall & The Potato" Niall suggested.

"No." Louis, Harry, and I chorused. He gave a cute disappointed look.

"What about...One Direction, since you two were both headed for a solo career but then joined together to go in 'One Direction'?" Harry suggested.

"I like that." I stated. Niall nodded and we all headed out of the restaurant saying goodbye to Zayn and Perrie on the way out.


Yay!!! One Direction was formed...kinda...

Anywho, I'm just happy this was a long update (^__^)

Asta la bye-bye!


Coincidentally Niam (ft. Larry and others)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora