I hate stairs

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(•Harry's POV•)

"Well that went well don't you think?" Louis asked as we got into his car (a Porsche Boxter).

"Yeah, and looks like you were right. They are cute together." I smiled and he started the car.

"What can I say, I should become cupid or something, I did pair you up with Veronica when you didn't have the balls to do it yourself, and not to mention Zayn and Perrie..." He gave me an I-told-you-so look as we headed towards the office.

"Pfft, whatever. If that's the case you need to find yourself somebody or maybe I should take a swing at this matchmaker business." I smirked.

"Hey, I haven't been single too long, I still need time to heal..." Louis gave me a serious look.

"Yeah, you're right, sorry. It's just...I mean...Look, as much as I love my twin brother, Marcel just isn't good enough for you. You've been taking care of Marcel and yourself which was pretty rough because when you need someone on a bad day, Marcel doesn't know what to do and ends up crying because of it, then you start crying, and you both are a mess that I have to clean up. You need someone who can take care of you, protect you, and love you." I stated firmly.

"Aren't you doing that already Haz?" Louis spoke after a while.

"Louis..." I sighed, " You know what I mean..." I placed a hand on his knee and rubbed circles knowing that it comforts him a little.

"Yeah...I know..." He ended the conversation and the rest of the ride to the office was silent.

We got back to the TommoStyles Industries main building and we ran into my lovely Veronica.

"Good evening Mr. Tomlinson, Mr. Styles." Louis and I checked to see if anyone was nearby to hear our conversation. It's 10 o'clock so there should be a few people by, but it looks like everyone was elsewhere.

"Veronica, our sexy assistant. How's it going love? I see you've got that tight skirt on again." Louis asked cheekily.

"Watch it Tommo, she's mine." I growled into his ear. He just giggled and pushed me away.

"Whatever Haz, Veronica and I are actually headed to visit our newly signed employees at "Paul's". It is kareoke night, and we plan to get wasted. Care to join?" He slung his arm over Veronica's shoulder.

"Yeah, c'mon Harry. It'll be fun! Unless of course...you don't want to come with us..." How could I ever deny my Veronica?

"....Fine, but Louis & I need to finish up a few things, then we can go." I replied as Veronica and Louis jumped up and down like teenaged girls. I just chuckled in amusement and stole a quick kiss from my beloved before dragging Louis with me towards the staircases since the elevators got jammed. This is going to be a long climb...

"Harry...tell....me again...why we...decided...to have our office...at the top floor?" Louis panted as we neared the 15th floor which was our pit stop since this is the last floor of this staircase.

"Because we....wanted a....view of the....city." I reached the last step and replied. I too was out of breath.

"Huh...I...guess we....should have the elevator...fixed sooner." Louis laid down beside me.

"Ya think? We...still have....30 more floors to go!" He groaned in response and got us both back on our feet.

"Wait...but isn't there one elevator here in the marketing department that still works?" Louis finally caught his breath.

"Yeah...let's go." After going through the marketing department, saying 'hello' and 'good job' like good bosses do to their employees.

We finally reached the only working elevator in the building. Once the elevator door finally arrived, we were jumping for joy....that is....until the doors opened.


Woah, cliffhanger! I'm a bitch.

Anywhore, double update, what what!!!

Hope ya enjoyed it! I'm gonna start updating this more often.

Asta la bye-bye!


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