Hiccups ~ Maria

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"Is that what I think it is?" the little colony laughed at him.

"Please tell me that's not dirt in your hands." he picked her up before she could further waddle away into his tomato garden, her tiny hands now fisted to his chest. He wiped her face with his thumb, ridding it of all the filth she had all over her rosy cheeks. She pulls back, as if trying to shake his hand away.

"No." she snapped at him. Just how many times could he put up with her antics? "It's soil. There's a difference." she told him, brushing off the earthy grimes that clung unto her sleeves. It was the blouse he gave her when she was about a child. Her blouse that once went past her ankle was now up to her bare knees. It may be a tad too small, and it seems she had grown into liking it.

"I'm starved." she pushed herself from his chest to lift her chin. It had only been an hour since their siesta. Although it couldn't hurt to plan ahead, right? He'd have to whip up a feast for her to touch her porcelain plate. He couldn't make pasta because it takes up too much time, but it was hers and Lovino's favorite. Better get the churros done for his Nueva, he thought to himself. He sat her down on the counter, his hands snatching the cookbook from the top shelf without even looking.

"I want churros, got that?" the girl said, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. It can't be helped then. He baked himself some, and handed her plenty. Every time she'd nibble at the end of the snack, her face lights up. Nueva might want some, too.

"Let me know if you want more." Spain said. "Remember to save some for Romano." he reminded her.

He turned to the door, the seven-year old climbed down from the counter as he did so.
"Hic." she brought a hand to her mouth. "Spain, I can't get the glass." she whines, her hand halfway to the cupboard.

Sometimes, Spain thinks he deserves better than babysitting the country and catering to the child's every need.

But then again, it was fun watching over children grow up to be on their own.

The Mediterranean country sighed, with a smile plastered on his face. "Alright. Let's get you a glass."

He picked her up, and she rested her chin on his shoulder.

Reaching for the glass, the Spaniard proceeded to fill it with water before handing it over for her to drink. She takes the glass and downs the contents, putting an end to her horrible hiccups. "There. Feeling better?"

She nodded enthusiastically, a smile gracing her face.

It was worth it - it was worth every single thing.

If it makes her smile, he's happy.

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