Days Ago ~ Bruphil

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The meeting between twenty-one countries has been going on for nearly two days now.

And today, their meeting has sadly come to an end.

Philippines got to the airport just in time to see them off. Actually, she wasn't late for the first time. Speed walking up the escalator, she could see her friends and their bosses behind the transparent glass of the airport.

"Thank God they're still here!" relieved, Maria lets out a sigh. She didn't think she would make it in time to bid her fellow nations goodbye before they leave her land.

A bunch of them were with their bosses. Her boss was somewhere in the middle of a conversation with Vietnam's current leader. The rest were talking among themselves, a few exchange of greetings, and shaking of hands, something people would normally do when they leave.

Holding onto her knees after a breathless sprint, the island country was about to take off again. Running to where they were, Philippines suddenly bumps into someone, knocking them both off. "Ms Philippines!"

Surprised by her sudden appearance, a bead of sweat rolled down his face. "I'm sorry, I didn't quite see you there."

"It's alright. I wasn't looking myself." a silly grin crossed her face and the former couple could only chuckle. Brunei extended a hand and helped her back on her two feet.

As the two of them got up, the Bruneian said, "I was about to grab some coffee until you popped right out of nowhere."

Embarrassed, the Filipina blushed. "I said I was sorry!"

"So wanna buy some cofee?"

"Let's?" the male country was taken by surprise when Maria took him by the arm and happily lead the way. She knows a stall nearby. She saw it earlier on the way there.

"Here we are!" the Filipina smiles.

When they done paying and found themselves some seats, Brunei spoke, "Your coffee is good but are pretty expensive."

"Of course they are! Good coffee doesn't come cheap here at my place!" at this, the Bruneian chuckles and she laughs with him.

For the first time, Philippines genuinely laughed. It has been a long time since they casually talked and hang out. There was hardly a time when Brunei visits her, and when he does, it's either they're in the middle of a meeting or heading back to their homelands. They could barely keep in touch, with the endless problems going on in their countries. And yes, they too take part in sorting things out.

She held her coffee with her two hands, feeling the warm liquid inside the cup. It wasn't too cold or was it too hot to drink. She didn't think this should be the time to be drinking coffee. She clearly missed him, and now would be the only time the two of them could talk, with business and politics aside. "Remember when you first got here?"

Steam rose from the other nation's cup. He closed his eyes and a small smile graced his face. "Just like yesterday."

"We were so small. You'd come in big boats and you never really liked it when Spain was around." true, Brunei despised Spain for shamelessly kicking him out.

"Who does? He beat the hell out of me so he could easily kick me out of your place!" a sweat drop appeared on his head. Spain was a scary man; he would do anything to get what he wants. He was strong. He had all the power in the world back then.

Brunei doesn't mind getting bothered by the Spanish, but stealing his precious Tawalisi? "Well, as they say, the past is in the past."

"He was pretty much a jerk to you back in the days but I'm glad you're over it." the Filipina said, taking a lengthy sip from her cup. Brunei has yet to touch his.

Memories started coming back. It's as if it all happened days ago. For a second, Brunei was quietly staring at his cup.

"Brunei?" the island country called, hoping to snap him out of his daze. This proved to work as he hummed in response. "Nothing. I thought you were spacing out."

"This trip makes me all nostalgic. It takes me way back. Kind of reminds me of the time when my boss married a princess of yours and we were basically married." if he could turn back time, he would go and defeat Spain and prevent him from taking her, distancing him from her. He missed her so much, her sweet kisses and everything. Normally, these conversations make couples pretty uncomfortable but the Filipina remained still. Maria wanted to talk more with him. It wasn't until Brunei's phone rang.

Is it time to go already? Philippines wished that he could stay longer.

Following his hand with her eyes, Philippines suggests, "We should head back. Our bosses are probably looking everywhere for us."

"You're right. I think we should."

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