She's Mine ~ Nethernesia

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"Are you one of Portugal's possessions?"

"Possession is quite a strong word, don't you think? But yes, I am indeed one of his colonies."

It was on a scorching afternoon when Indonesia finished collecting her fruits and harvests from the fields and the trees when she suddenly finds herself in the shade of someone's shadow. Whoever the shadow belonged to must be very tall. "Portugal lost to my armada, which basically makes you my possession. You're mine now."

"I'm sorry but, who are you?" she turned to meet the voice of the shadow to see a man with his hair pushed up. Green eyes were looking at her sharply. He was tall, making him all the more intimidating.

From the distance, she could see her colonizer headed their way, fuming. "Hey, Holland! That wasn't fair!"

"Want me to sink your armada again?"

"I found her first!" the angry Portuguese pointed.

"She's mine now." he said with a straight face. "So back off."

Holland? Surely she hasn't heard of him yet. Portugal has mentioned him a few times but here she was, being taken by the very country Portugal hardly told her about. "You're coming with me."

Her sister said that Spain was very strict, forced her into converting to his religion, taking control over her islands. The other Mediterranean country claimed parts of Malaysia, even had a port there. How bad can this Netherlands guy be?

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I barely have any background about these two, but I'm going to edit these when I have the time. Sooooo, this part would be the first time they meet.

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