Jet Lag ~ Hongphil

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Requested by MC-Chan666, again :D

And no, I haven't forgotten about your request!

I didn't think I would get this done by this time, because I was busy during the holidays (even now) but here it is!

And no, I'm not be basing this part on the song Jet Lag. (The title stays until I come up with a better one haha help)

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"Someone wake Philippines up!"

For about two hours of listening to nonstop Kpop and a bunch of others, the tropical country fell sound asleep in her seat, her head inches away from touching the window. Her earphones were plugged in too deep, that she couldn't hear anyone even if they shouted. The music she was listening to blocked out several wake up calls from her sisters. That, and she was a heavy sleeper. Her arm was limp on the armrest, and she was softly snoring. She looked calm and no one wanted to disturb such her peaceful sleep.

But they had to get to their destination quickly as the clouds were dark, indicating that it would soon rain in the area.

They had to hurry if they didn't want to get caught in the rain. So Taiwan did the honors of ripping the plugs from her ear and waking her up. "Rise and shine, sleeping beauty! We don't want to be late on your first day here!"

Blinking twice, as if to shrug off sleep and wake up from her daze, the Philippines lets out a yawn. "She's awake! Now we can all head to the to get our bags together."

Taiwan, the one who invited them and organized the entire trip, seemed to be enjoying herself in their company.

The whole ASEAN members were there, with the exception of Brunei, Laos, and East Timor. They couldn't come since they were required to attend important meetings, so they asked the group to go ahead without them.

A couple of walks down the terminal and a ton of selfies later, the countries found their way outside the airport.

"And we're here!" Taiwan smiles, taking in the crisp city air.

From the beginning, Philippines knew she wasn't feeling so well.

"Is our baby girl still feeling sleepy? Got jet lag?" Indonesia felt her forehead to check her temperature.

"I brought something warm to drink. And a medical kit." her sister Malaysia added.

Singapore sighs. "Too bad Brunei isn't around to carry you if in case you faint."

"Who says she'd faint?!"

With this, the group managed to earn a few looks from the people walking down the street. They were getting quite the attention. "Ate Indonesia, ate Malaysia, please. Not when we're in public."

"But you're our baby sister!" she pinched her cheeks.

"But you guys are embarrassing me." the Filipina would reason.

Before Indonesia could add anything else, the personification of the country has arrived. Taiwan was the first to notice. "Hey, it's Hong Kong!"

"Yo," he raised a hand and waved at them.

The petite Asian comments, "You're surprisingly early."

"You told me to come here, like, an hour earlier." he replied.

They hailed a cab and head straight to the hotel they were staying at. They checked in, went to their respective rooms and unpacked, leaving their bags and suit cases. As soon as they were done, they regrouped outside.

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