Broke ~ Emilio

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"Hey, little dude. How are you doing?" the America asked and Emilio wheezed, biting back a cough and watched his friend come over to his side. He was at a hospital and Alfred clearly disliked being in one.

"I'm great, in fact," he beamed at him. "Are those for me?" he asked, eying the basket on mangoes. His heart monitor started to make noise when he saw the bundle.

"Of course! England even sent you scones!"

Emilio started coughing again. England? And scones?

"Are you okay little dude?! Do you want me to call the doctor for you?!" he panicked.

"I'm fine I'm fine," the Filipino assured him. "But I don't know if I have any time left," he then broke into violent coughing which made his fellow nation worry even more.

"Don't give up on me yet!" grieved the American. "You still owe me money!"

"About that, well, sorry! I'm broke!" said the Filipino before the line went flat.

"Little dude!"

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