Seas Apart ~ Mexipiri

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"I'm leaving. Don't bother coming along." the Mexican said, as he grabbed everything he needed to last him a few days on the way back home. It was that time of the year again where he leaves for his homeland, and come back a few months later, whenever he was in the mood. He'd been away for too long, so he had to take care of things back at his place. In the meantime, Spain insisted that he would fill in his place to look after Felipinas while he's gone.

"I'll see you off then." said his superior. "Maria and I will see you off." he pushed himself from his desk, his axe somewhere behind his seat.

"¿Que?" for real?

"You heard me. Maria would miss having you around, and you know it," he walked over to the door. "Just something for her to remember you by."

"You're making this up, aren't you?" Maria? Miss him? That's a flat out lie! He won't be missed by someone who insulted his churros. "Felipinas hates me."

"She does not."

"Yes, she does. More than she hates you." he rolled up his sleeves. "See these? She bit me, España, she bit my arm."

"You must've forgotten to give her some mango." the Spanish concluded.

"That's the thing! She doesn't like churros, or anything- only mangoes!"

Once their little chat ended, Spain brought his younger colony with him to the port where they would say their goodbyes.

"Vamenos! The ships are leaving!" Antonio shoved the Hispanic to the stairs that would lead him up to the ship. Once he was on board, he hurried to the edge of the boat to search for the two nations.

"Have a safe trip, kuya Nueva!" she waved her hand at him. He instantly spotted her petite frame down the docks from where he was in less than seconds. She was short, so she had to sit on Spain's shoulder. It wasn't hard to pick them out from the crowd, and it was all thanks to Spain's bright shirt and the three flowers that adorned Felipinas' hair. "Paalam po!"

"Adios, Nueva!" said the Spaniard gleefully. He couldn't begin to understand why he'd let him off like that.

Spain wasn't there to babysit, was he? Who would look after her when he's away, when he goes on voyages or when his boss suddenly calls? Oh, right, Spain was staying with her for the week otherwise. The Mexican could use a little break from chasing her around the yard, from chiding her when she breaks a plate or misses out on her lessons. "You know what, Nueva? Forget about her, and this is your chance to!"

Finally, he could get his mind off her. He had all his time to himself. "Maria! She was supposed to have her trades with China today!" he slapped his forehead but he couldn't do a thing about it now that his ship was already at sea. He was supposed to have a month off, right? He shouldn't bother about her things and what to do. It was hers to deal with in the first place.

"That idiot." he muttered to himself. He swears, she could still hear her voice in his head, flashing him her sweet smile that he'd do anything to see.

Why is it that she always gets the better of him? No matter how hard he tries thinking of what his other friends were doing, he would always come up with his time spent with her, worrying him a little. Knowing her, she might be in trouble as we speak. No, she couldn't be. He pulled his red bandana to his mouth. Maria would pull it from him, and run in the courtyard as if it were a cape when he was around. He grit his teeth, curled his tiny fists as he found himself back in his cabin. It wasn't long until he wounded back to Mexico, to his home.

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