Level 01:\Startup -The Unfair Game of Life-

Start from the beginning

He reloaded his assault rifle until he heard footsteps approached his range. He gunned down two adversaries' necks even before they tried to backstab him. After eliminating his ambushers. he looted his opponents' remains for extra ammunition.

Ren's team made 10 kills and dominated the match. He turned back and saw an enemy GIGN operative aimed his bullpup sniper rifle on his cover.

"Don't be content on your lead, Derringer!" the enemy taunted and spread bursts of lead on his head and legs. Ren took cover and his sniper blasted its head. As it fell in a painful death, the enemy spewed a lot of Filipino curse words, and even wished for a typhoon to kill off his team.

OFFLINE:\Philippines\Pasay City\Bayanihan Clamshell Gigamall>

Due to their enemy's unsportsmanlike conduct, Ren's team won by default . From the second match onwards, the team employed the same ambush tactic, minus the profanity encountered during the first match. Ren's team, the Tinajeros Triggers, climbed to the grand finals round. However, the host called for a break...

Ren headed to Estelle's burger stand and recognized Derek, his bespectacled friend, ate with Estelle. He placed his half-eaten burger in the counter and approached Ren,

"Congrats, my friend!" he shook Ren's left hand.

"Yeah, I'm glad that we'll compete later on," Ren patted Derek's smooth shoulders.

Derek said to Ren, "If one of us win 500,000 Pesos today, where will you spend 'em?"

"I'll save it for school and for my parents of course!"

"Well, it'll be same as yours, Ren" he answered back in a softer tone.

Estelle pressed the boys' shoulders, "Why are you guys glum today?"

As much as they'd want to talk more as friends, the host called their teams back on their booths for the final battle. Estelle asked her parents to take charge as she headed towards the spectators.

IN-GAME:\Call of the Battlefield Online\Operation Shattered Hourglass>

As soon as they appeared in the village, RenDerringer's team took over the desolated marketplace. They hid behind wooden covers and gunned down 4 operatives that wore green camouflage combat outfits, represented as the Delta Force. His snipers hid behind the vegetable stands, until a leaf green-masked sniper shot their napes from behind.

"SNIPER!" RenDerringer screamed at his teammates after hearing dying cries from his snipers.

He took one of his sniper's guns and tried to shoot the masked Delta Force operative. His enemy hopped sideways and sprayed few bullets but none of them managed to dot his body. He threw two grenades behind the stalls and blasted two of his teammates.

"What the--!" one of his blasted teammates yelled after seeing their lone target.

The masked adversary showered lead on the other teammate and took its spot.

"Something's fishy with the masked guy!" one of the adult teammates screamed.

"I hope no one from our team's feeding directions on that guy!" the other player bantered.

"This time, we'll have to spread out!" RenDerringer ordered his teammates.

RenDerringer's team materialized back to the temple ruins and rushed to the nearest houses for cover. One of his snipers saw the masked operative and his team positioned on their spot.

"Ren, isn't that masked guy your buddy?"

"Yeah it's him, DerekHit" RenDerringer answered as he gunned down their enemies.

"I hope you are not leaking our location, Ren! I know he's your bestfriend but this isn't the time!" the adult teammate pitched a cooked grenade onto their targets and killed three of them in a blast.

RenDerringer blitzed outside and engaged DerekHit by himself.

OFFLINE:\Philippines\Pasay City\Bayanihan Clamshell Gigamall>

While in the middle of the crowd, Estelle glanced at a person beside her. He seemed to be giving directions to someone on phone through his bluetooth earwig while he browsed on a small device. She overheard the guy's voice,

"Derek, the Triggers are all around you!"

Did I just hear it right? Someone's been coaching him away from the booths?Estelle peeked at the suspicious guy once more.

"Burn that freakin' friendship bridge right now, it's for your mom's health!" said the guy beside Estelle.

This isn't good, Ren's being cheated all along!Estelle slapped her forehead and she took a picture of the coaching man with her smartphone, then walked away in disgust.

IN-GAME:\Call of the Battlefield Online\Operation Shattered Hourglass>

RenDerringer blasted DerekHit's head in short bursts. He ran back to his teammates and rained down bullets on his unguided adversaries.

"Let's leave, guys!" RenDerringer led his team to another hiding spot, running through scorching terrain.

"Why don't we all spread out instead?" one of his wounded teammates suggested as he checked his ammunition.

RenDerringer's team spread themselves all over the sandy village.

The match became a bloodier hide-and-seek as both teams have to go all over the place. They exchanged kills until both teams reached 96 points, and the time is running out.

RenDerringer and his team resorted back to their ambush tactic. They hid back in the marketplace stalls until they saw a barrage of grenades rained all over them.

OFFLINE:\Philippines\Pasay City\Bayanihan Clamshell Gigamall>

The crowd roared in vigor as they saw the screens filled with explosions. Estelle's eyes directed downward as she saw the screens for the last time.

That Derek is a jerk! He got away with that act! I'm sure he paid that guy in front!

She gazed at the crowd as if she wanted to set their hairs ablaze and walked away.

The host called both teams out to receive their respective cash prizes. The organizer's scantily-dressed booth girls handed a large check worth 500,000 Pesos to Derek's team, and 250,000 Pesos for Ren's team for being the 2nd placers in Call of the Battlefield Online tournament.

Ren peeped at Derek's seemingly victorious face. His coffee brown eyes shed tears and heard him mumbling, "I hope my winnings will restore your face"

Ren thought as they walked away from stage with the check, Now I know why he was glum a while ago...

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