//Intervention// Part 3

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, guess so..." I tapped the pointy end of my stake, wondering what to do with him...

"Naomi." Chandler had appeared at the far end of the hall, from somewhere I assumed was close to the exit. 

"Chandler--welcome to the party." I squeezed the wood-until my fist dripped with blood.

"Hey, guy." Chandler acknowledged Collin with the friendly tones reserved for someone dull and not particularly smart. "Why don't you come with me, pal? I'll get you out of here--"

"You can get us both out of here..." I grabbed Collin in a deadly, one-armed embrace from behind.

Chandler licked his lips, eyeing the stake positioned at Collin's throat. Collin held his breath. If I kill him it would seriously disappoint Adelle. I smiled. 

Chandler took a careful step forward. "Dude, I do not have time to explain what's about to happen. When I say run--run, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars, just skedaddle. Comprende?"

I rolled my eyes at Chandler. "What a hero."

"Uh, Naomi, I think this will affect our friendship..."

I opened my mouth to tell Collin he was probably right-but all that came out was my Chi. Outraged, helpless, I was forced to my knees, eyes on the ceiling as Chandler sucked away just enough to help Collin escape. When Chandler released me I slumped to the floor, dangerously weakened.

"Wait--what just happened? Is she gonna be okay? She's my friend, I can't just leave her--"

"Dude, either shut up and follow me, or stick around and watch her play Operation on your insides. Your choice."

Breathing sharply, I twisted my head, watching as the two fled, disappearing around the corner.

Right. They went right. Get upFollow them... Moments like these I missed my Wolf, when she could do the thinking for me. Everything in my body screamed at me to give up-my joints, my muscles, the marrow in my weary bones. I let my head drop, resting my hot cheek against the cool flagstones. To sleep. To sleep would be nice... No-no-no-no-noLucas can heal you, you idiot, get UP! I crawled forward with an angry cry, dragging myself across the floor like a wounded animal. Wild at the thought of failure, I screamed with the thunder, the glass from the nearby lamps humming before they shattered. Humiliated beyond repair, I resorted to magic. Outlined in it's glow, I was pulled to my feet by its magnetic force. Ignoring my exhaustion, I lurched forward, wiping the blood from my nose. Alright, time for plan Z... Nearing a suit of armor, I stretched my fingers toward his sword--it obeyed my command, flying from its hands to mine. I rounded the corner to the next hallway, the sword's tip dragging behind me, filling the air with the sound of death.

*    *    *  

I wasn't so far from the main foyer after all. Finally, I stood at the top of the stairs, sagging against the rail as I looked, with joyous relief, down the steps to freedom.

"Naomi, don't do this." Tidus. Like an annoying fly, he'd flitted to the bottom of the steps-in my way for the very last time. "Stay. Let me help you, please."

"Knight in shining never. All you've ever done is hold me back from my true potential. Thanks, but I think I've had enough of your help."

"I'm sorry..." He took another step. "I can't let you leave. Not in your condition."

"Well, then..." I raised the sword in proud, unsteady hands. "En garde, my love." Defined by the light of my magic, the sword left my grasp, floating menacingly forward. Tidus backed away, ducking each time as the sword swiped left and right, up and down...

I exhaled, wiping more blood from my nose. The magic it took to stop Tidus sapped energy I didn't have - but my eyes were on the prize. I inched my way down the rail, hearing the rain beyond, imagining the wind in my hair, the cool night air on my skin. The door, get to the door! C'mon damnit, you're halfway there...

"Jesus, Naomi--look at yourself."

I groaned, thumping my forehead against the banister. "So you're next. Figures." I straightened, wobbling as I thrust my chin at the Alpha. He stood where Tidus had been--lucky for him, I was out of swords. "Don't make this hard, E. Do yourself a favor: walk away."

"Not a chance."

"Ethan, move."


I called on the last reserves of my strength, summoning enough magic to shimmer around Ethan. I lunged for the door handle but he was quicker, grabbing my shoulder and spinning me around.

"Let! Me! Go!" I seized his forearm in a red-hot grip, the flesh sizzling beneath my fingers. I waited for him to lash out, to stop me for good--but Ethan didn't fight back. Instead, he dropped to his knees in submission, perfectly willing to be destroyed by my touch.

"Naomi, listen to me." He panted, fighting only the pain. "You can walk out the door, but if the wolfs-bane doesn't kill you the magic will."

"Then I guess I'll just have to take that chance, won't I?" I grabbed his other arm too, causing Ethan to suck through his teeth.

"Mimi, please... don't make me hurt you."

"Why not? Hurting each other is the only thing we're good at." I stooped, bringing my lips to his ear. "You did this to me. When I'm done with Catherine... I'll kill you too."

"You already are." His revelation was followed by a sharp sting and the rapid onset of unspeakable pain-as if a volcano had erupted in my chest, spreading it's merciless heat from head to toe.

I looked down, quivering with fear as I stared at the empty syringe planted in my heart. Wolfs-bane. "You did it. I'm not surprised..." Stricken by the lethal dose, I collapsed in Ethan's arms.

Somewhere behind us was the clatter of metal hitting stone. Tidus reappeared, splashed with ichor, his shirt torn, the tail-end of his ugly gashes still healing. I wanted to scream that he was worthless, that I hated him too, but I had lost my power over speech. Instead I merely gurgled, liquid trickling between my lips as my stiffening muscles began to tingle...

Ethan laid me gently across the flagstones, sighing heavily as he removed the needle. "She only has a few hours. We have to fix her. I can't do this--I can't keep hurting her--"

"You got her into this, so you'll do what it takes." Tidus squatted beside him, smoothing his thumb across my cheek. "We all will."

They exchanged a glance of unspoken agreement, and with the last image of their handsome, treacherous faces, I seized, fading into unconsciousness.

*    *    *

Poll: If you were on a desert island, with what SF character would it be, and why? ; )

Annnd that's it for this chapter, luvs! If you enjoyed what you read, pretty please VOTE and don't forget to add SF to your reading list so you don't miss the next update! More SF ahead <3

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