//Poison// Part 2

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Tidus' utterly persuasive bed talents pushed certain thoughts right out of my head. What has he done with the Alpha? How did I come back to life? How shall we punish the Witch?  The sex was incredible; my only focus was Tidus and the enslaving desire to break and be broken by him.

That night, after our day of marathon love-making, we lounged in his jacuzzi-tub, entertained by The Weeknd and a bottle of Cristal. The champagne took the kick out of my gift, distracting me from its searing heat--the magic burned like hell-fire.

"You're quiet." Tidus sat behind me, using a soft sponge on my skin, cleaning up the mess he'd made. The water was pink with blood, capped by foamy bubble islands. I collected a few-and destroyed them. "Regretting me already?"

"Never." I smiled. "I have a lot on my mind." My fingers danced on his knees-he wasn't ticklish in the slightest, but he was back to normal. Drinking my blood had rendered him Fae until long after the sex had ended. For hours I held him, stroking his hair as I watched his color slowly fade-tragic and beautiful, like a wilting rose. Tidus died in my arms as predicted, and as promised, I was there when he awoke. Now, I wanted answers. "Did Claudia keep her word? Was it really her that brought me back to life?"

Tidus squeezed the sponge over my neck, sending a cascade of warm water down my skin. "Yes, if her spell hadn't saved you she wouldn't be breathing. The moment I saw her at the gazebo, I recognized her for who she is: Claudia works for Catherine. She has her mark, a symbol born by every follower Catherine has ever claimed."

I raised an eyebrow, displeased with his passivity. "And yet you let her keep her limbs?"

"I'm a Vampire, I'm not an idiot." Tidus paused. "Despite my affinity, killing's not my answer to everything. Claudia has knowledge, she may be useful in the future." He planted a gentle kiss at the base of my neck, drawing the sponge along my back. "What would you have me do?"

"Everything. Kill her slowly, make a loved one watch." I frowned at a patch of water, glaring until it hissed and bubbled. "Boil her blood before you drink it, then leave her in an unmarked grave." I still remembered the look on Claudia's face when I died. She had planned it. She had enjoyed it. The fact that she was working for Catherine confirmed my suspicions, heightening my need for revenge.

"Naomi..." Tidus squeezed my arms, concerned. "You've been different since you came back to life. Is this the magic talking, or you?" He turned a single, wet curl between his fingers. It was stark white, from root to tip.

I sighed. "I don't know." Of course, my first instinct had been to lie. But I knew he would have sensed it, only worrying himself further. "But I'm fine--I'll l learn to control my magic. Speaking of--the Witch, Claudia, is she still here?"

"Yes, and I'd be very disappointed if you harmed her. I have her in the dungeons beneath the castle--in a cell, right next to Ethan King."

I froze, rounding on Tidus in a blaze of furious surprise. "You imprisoned the Alpha of the Garou?"

He inhaled, vexed at my temper. "Yes." He rose, a mountain, not to be moved. Tidus left the tub, descending the steps from the platform and grabbing a towel from a hook on the wall. He casually wrapped it about his waist, unaffected by my anger. "He's consorting with a Witch directly tied to Catherine. He's a threat, and as you may recall, there is no longer a working alliance between our kind. You can protect the Alpha, but I'm afraid that would be a conflict of interest--Councilwoman."

"Don't be an asshole. I told you, Ethan killed me because he had to--and I can guarantee you he's not working with Claudia. If you insist on keeping him here, then have the butler move him to a guest room."

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