The first tweet she saw was '#5h3leadsingle'. Camila mentally slapped herself for forgetting that the new single was going to be released today. She dismissed the subject and clicked on the tweet button. She knew she was going to surprise all the fans considering the fact that she hasn't tweeted in just over 3 months.

Camila giggled to herself as she typed out her tweet.

"@ fifthharmony hey babies i missed u. See u guys soon!!!"

She went on her profile to see a paragraph that had been linked from Instagram. One she had never seen before and quite clearly hadn't been written by her.

"hey harmonizers. I haven't been completely honest with you over the past four years. But I wanted to come clean and confirm the rumors of me having an eating disorder. With that being said, I'm leaving for Timberline Knolls tonight, December 18th. I hope you can understand where me and my girls are coming from when we tell you that the rest of the 7/27 tour is canceled. They wouldn't want to continue without me. All is well right now. I love you guys so much and thank you for all your love and support. Thank you for being on this journey with me. Love only, Camila."

The small girl immediately felt enraged and deleted the post from her Instagram as well as her twitter and fired back by tweeting. 'I didn't tweet that paragraph... management did. You'll find out the truth that is from me, in due time."

Though she knew it wasn't a smart decision at all. Management was for sure going to have her ass when she got back to LA. But for know, the fans deserved to hear the truth from Camila. And Camila only. Not from some dumbass representatives from her management that knew nothing.

Her choice of telling her fans was robbed from her. And that enraged her. She wanted to be able to tell her own life story. She didn't want others to tell it for her. But she would address the truth another time. When she had thought it through. When she wasn't so preoccupied with leaving this hellhole of a treatment facility.

Camila sighed when she realized she had been sitting outside on the stairs for 25 minutes with still no sign of Will. Just when she was about to pull her phone back out to call her manager she heard a car door slam. Her eyes shot up and observed the area, noticing the white Mercedes parked a good amount of space away from her. However, she only knew one person with a white Mercedes. That car belonged to none other then Lauren.

Camila looked towards the car eagerly, and sure enough, Lauren walked around the front of the car. She stood holding a bouquet of flowers in between her hands. The huge smile on her face was visible, even from where the Cuban had been standing.

Camila grabbed her suitcase and ran down the concrete steps to her girlfriend. Camila's body clashed in Lauren and immediately pulled her into a bone crushing hug. "I missed you so much." The green eyed girl confessed. She tried to lift the small girl off the ground into a koala hug but Camila planted her feet on the floor, refusing to let her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" The younger girl asked, out of breath.

"Suprise?" Lauren let out in a cute voice, making her girlfriend's heart melt.

"This was the best surprise ever!" The smaller girl's voice cracked slightly, making Lauren's heart melt as well.

The green eyed girl pulled out of the hug and held out the bouquet the flowers. "For you."

"God I fucking love you." Camila took the flowers and pulled her girlfriend in for a kiss.

"Let's go home baby." The green eyed girl wrapped her arm around the Cubans shoulders and pulled her towards the car.

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