Ch 19

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Third Person's POV

" The next day, Petra snuck out of camp while I was sleeping and her curiosity got the best of her. " , Peter sighed

" Petra! Petra! " , Peter hollered throughout the woods.

It has been hours since Petra had returned to camp. Peter arrived at Dead Man's Peak only to find Petra lying on the ground with black stuff running through her veins.

" Peter..." , she whispered

" Petra! " , Peter gasped as he ran towards Petra.

" Don''s poisonous.." , she said in between breaths.

" Petra, why the heck would you do this to yourself? I warned you! " , Peter shrieked

" I'm...sorry...Peter. " , Petra said as tears ran down her cheek.

" No don't me. I should be sorry. You will be okay. I can ask the shadow if there is any cure. " , he nodded

" " , Petra breathed slowly. " It's..too..late. "

" NO! NO! IT IS NOT TOO LATE! I CAN'T LOSE YOU! IT''S ALL MY FAULT! " , Peter screamed with frustration as tears shed down his cheek.

" Peter..." , Petra whispered holding his hand tightly. " Breathe while you can brother. It's not your fault Peter. It was mine. "

" I can't afford to lose you the only girl that I love. " , Peter cried

" One day, you will find a girl that you will fall in love with Peter. " , Petra said slightly
smiling. " You won't be alone forever. "

" But I will. " , Peter sniffled

" You aren't alone, Peter. I will always be with you in every step of the way. " , Petra said calmly as she breathed heavily.

Peter leaned down towards Petra and kissed her forehead while holding her hand tightly.

" Promise me something Peter. That when that special girl comes, you take care of her for me. " , Petra said softly

" I promise. " , Peter nodded " I love you little sister. "

" I love you big brother. " , Petra weakly smiled before Peter gently held her in his arms.

Petra's green eyes slowly turned dull before she looked up at her big brother.

" You aren't alone Peter. " , she said using her last breath before falling into her brother's arms.

" Petra! Petra! " , Peter cried burying his face into her chest. " My little sister. My little lost girl. "

By then Peter was crying into Beth's chest as Beth held him close rubbing his back.

" I'm so sorry Panda. But don't worry, she is in a better place. You will see her again. " , Beth said softly

" I know. At least I have you. " , Peter said
softly. " My little lost girl. "

Beth smiled as Peter wiped his tears and sat up again looking at the beautiful view that stood in front of them.

" Remember the teddy bear? " , Bethany asked

" Yeah. " , Peter nodded. " What about it? "

" I know what name I want to name her. " , Beth smiled. " I want to name her Petra. "

" Petra? " , Peter questioned

" Yes. It's a beautiful name. " , Bethany nodded.

" Yes it is. " , Peter smiled.

Peter put his arms around Beth allowing her to scoot closer to him as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

" You know, Petra was right, you aren't alone Panda. " , Beth smiled. " You have the lost boys and me to accompany you and Petra too in your heart. "

" Yeah. I guess I'm not alone. " , Peter smiled as he leaned in and kissed Beth.

Beth returned the favor by kissing him back as the two lovers spent the rest of their days in Neverland.

A/N: Please read my Author's Note in the next chapter! :)

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